The One Place Where The Trump Campaign Wants More Mail-In Voting

Originally published at: The One Place Where The Trump Campaign Wants More Mail-In Voting

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene devastation in North Carolina, the Trump campaign is advocating for expanded access to the polls in the state, including less strict mail-in voting procedures— a set of policies that, only four years ago,  Trump used to spread conspiracy theories about the results. The parallels are there. In 2020, states…

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WOW… Trumps want voting rules changes in places that are more likely to give him more votes than his opponent.

Will wonders ever cease.


And Donnie will only contest the races in the states where he loses. Imagine that!


By the way, the MediaWhores are going to get worse but they will never get better.


Just got this email from the Trump campaign:

Trump: $5 for a signed ELON MUSK DARK MAGA HAT?
That’s not all $5 gets you!
5 reasons to give before my deadline:

Trying to get rid of the crap before he loses? Too bad Patrick Byrne is no longer head of

ETA, My usual response when I get texts like this:

Delete and report junk.

I just received the same text from a different number!


Wow. Who’s Peters?

That’s just hilarious. They must speak Trumpanzee.


For me but not for thee


It always comes down to whose ox is being gored. Conservatives never have empathy until it happens to them.


Next up, I’m the father of mail-in voting. It used to be full of fraud, bigly fraud, but my fertile mind of genius genes from MIT has made it spectacular, the best of all time.

And then it’s not empathy, it’s just the latest episode in their eternal victimhood.


No matter what Kamala does, it will not be enough. A case of continually moving the goalposts. Meanwhile, TSF gets the VIP treatment from the MSM. SMH


There’s a scene in “Veep” where Selena’s lawyer goes before an appeals court to argue for including tens of thousands of ballots in Nevada that had been “misplaced” and only found after the counting deadline had passed, insisting that the right to vote was more important than an arbitrary rule. A short while later, they discover that the ballots had come from an area that was hostile to her. The same lawyer then goes before the same judges to argue that those same ballots should be thrown out because if we don’t follow our election laws, then we can’t trust our elections.

The show started out as satire. The creator ended the show when reality overtook the satire. Except this shit with Fat Hitler just ain’t funny.


Exactly. Conservatives are incapable of empathy.


I have friends who just moved to North Carolina about a year ago. We all went to high school together and to college up here in the northeast so my friends are still adjusting to life in North Carolina and we talk often. Last night, my friend let me know that he just recently learned that to vote absentee in NC, your signature on the ballot return has to be either notarized or witnessed by two people over 18 years old. That’s just an unnecessary requirement that can be overlooked or just difficult for many people, especially those displaced by or otherwise dealing with the effects of the hurricane.


I have my doubts that the changes being sought come from DonOLD directly. I have NO doubts that these changes are coming from his campaign though. I say this because once DonOLD gets an idea in his head, it’s very hard to make him change his mind. And unless DonOLD is seen on tape to say that he approves of these measures then his rabid base won’t believe that he believes that these are a good thing.


"[Republicans] understand the things that they’re saying about fraud in our elections are not true.”

Power, and the lust for power, corrupts.
Republicans lust for power.


Whoever Peters is, he needs to take a hearing test and a cognitive test.


If, in addition to having their signature notarized or witnessed by two adults, a person voting absentee in North Carolina also had to be of sound mind and body when completing their ballot, Trump certainly would get far fewer votes.


NY Times reporter Jeremy Peters.



Wait a minute. America’s favorite Fry Boy would never play politics with people’s right to vote. /s


I can’t complain about these changes but I would note that the mountains of western North Carolina are said to be heavily Trump country.

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