Originally published at: The New Update About The Capitol Pipe Bomber Underscores How Little We Know About The Case
Hello, it’s the weekend. This is The Weekender With the fourth anniversary of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol building approaching on Monday, the FBI released some new information about one of the lingering mysteries from that day: the pipe bomber who targeted the Republican and Democratic National Committee headquarters. As TPM…
Should read Trump threatens.
Johnson is a nobody.
Amazing how the NY police managed to catch the UC Health Insurance guy’s shooter so quickly compared to this lack of progress in 4(!) years. Perhaps the Unabomber is instructive? i.e. someone off the grid?
MTG wants J6 a national holiday!
MTG wants J6 a national holiday!
Come on. We can’t start the day with MTG.
My weekend is complete
Hitler cat or !!??
And trump images without end. The only improvement is he’s not bellowing.
Kreepiest kitler ever (has to be photoshopped). But musky is kreepier yet.
From Raw Story…
Marjorie Taylor Greene’s holiday tweet: ‘Last Christmas under Democrat Communist control’
Not fair! Kitty just born that way. Okay, I’ll take Musk’s Reign of Terror.
What a way to write “Adult Supervision”!
Too early in the morning for that last pic.
Any time is too early
Marge makes James Comer look not quite so idiotic.
It is an interesting thread to follow.
This may be true.
They may have chosen fascism. But I am beginning to think they really do not understand that. They want a strong leader to solve their perceived problems and grievances. He is going to solve those specific issues. I think the Right minded voter suffers a type of function fixation and cannot see the truth of Trump for what he really is.
Marge is a black hole of idiocy. She / he / it makes everyone look magnitudes brighter.
ETA: Everyone except the idiots that voted for MTG.
It would be semi-interesting for someone to ask MTG for a definition of " Communism ". With comparisons of Communism vs Socialism and the teachings of both Lenin & Marx
Not really.
The first Friday of 2025 certainly lived down to all my expectations for it. The cult GOP caucus in the House reinstalled a liar the equal of Trump who is further blackened by peak religious hypocrisy and a super sized serving of insufferable sanctimoniousness.
Then Wapo kills this cartoon by Ann Telnaes
causing her to resign from the paper because it was the final straw proving to her that one of the two leading national newspapers was no longer a pillar of the free press but had caved into another weak, craven supplicant to a wanna be tin pot tyrant.
Then the far right wing judges seeded throughout the federal judiciary by Trump and his GOP predecessors further extended their arrogated right to neuter any public policy initiated or advanced by a Democratic executive or Congress, striking down the FCC’s attempt to require net neutrality with their now highly developed Orwellian perversions of the actual language of the Constitution and enacted statutes.
Finally, Judge Merchan, recognizing that the tin pot tyrant would never serve a minute in prison no matter what sentence he imposed, did all he could to cross the “t” and dot the “i” in the label “convicted felon” so that it would be formally correct if some how his conviction survived the appeal to less courageous appellant benches and ultimately to the tin pot’s corrupt protectors on the Supreme Court.
And oddly, I felt it was a good day because it confirmed that the steep, downward trajectory of the nation was already well underway and the resultant disasters and failures will be of a scale sufficient to ignite a Blue Wave backlash in 2026.
Totally off topic but I think worth noting… Over on CNN, there’s a headline then a write up about " Carter’s predecessor, President Richard Nixon ". Has President Gerald R Ford been removed from the history books ?