The Nevada Fake Electors Prosecution May Be Fatally Flawed

Debate week. Time to focus on the positives.

I’ve never been affiliated with or had any connection to Penzeys Spices out of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin nor have I ever bought any of their products. But that’s going to change as our kitchen’s next batch of spices will be bought from them. Go to their website -Spices | Penzeys - and read their Tab on Republicans for a feel good morning.

Also, h/t to becca656 this morning for reporting on the billboards put up by the Minocqua Brewing Company in Wisconsin.

Interesting how these businesses are both in Wisconsin. Only been there a couple of times decades ago but liked it back then. Good to see their politics returning to its long and proud progressive tradition. Sad that the backlash there has given us McCarthyism and the Koch laboratory poisons of our more current times. I guess Scott Walker and the state’s grotesque gerrymandering have finally awakened a desire to live in a true democracy. So the struggle goes on aided by some enlightened businesses based there and I feel they’re going to turn the corner. Shout out to our fellow real patriots in Wisconsin. Their jobs are much more difficult in a purple state than in the safe blue states of the Northeast and West Coast.

And to our compatriots in the Red States, we’ll do all we can to help. Gonna take some time, but homegrown youngsters like David Hogg, Representative Crockett and others will get us there.

Finally, it’s Somehow fitting that the “old” First President from the First State is leading our country to its next era of genuine progress toward a More Perfect Union. Vote, campaign, contribute and help get everyone you can to the polls. After all, WE Are The People.


Basically you need to wait about an hour after MM is first posted, THEN try to post a comment.


oh, also FYI, I’ve customized the new left-side menu bar so it always shows the link to TPM Article Topics.

see image below, if you click on the little pencil then you can choose what shows there. So it makes it quicker to find without having to search drop-down lists, no matter where you are in the Hive.


‘Watch out for this guy, he sort of remembers the ovens,’ and then smiled,”

“The road to Auschwitz was built by hate, but paved with indif­fer­ence.” - Ian Kershaw

And some would add, with collaboration. (As well as grossly insensitive stand-up one liners)


Donald Trump’s presidential campaign moved [last] week to quash a potential disturbance at next month’s GOP convention in Milwaukee by seeking to replace six delegates to the convention who they thought were potentially going to initiate “unnecessary distractions” on the floor. …

Because it’s chaos within the Republican Party, you have to really be paying attention to find this story. Now imagine if this was happening on the Democratic side. The MSM would be in a feeding frenzy about “Democrats in disarray”, and how it’s absolutely incumbent they replace President Biden or its political malpractice. Meanwhile, not a word about the 34 count convicted felon who’s leaking support from Independents and even some Republicans.


I opened the Morning Memo a few minutes ago, read to the end and saw no comments. Scrolled to the bottom where the Masthead section was partially grayed out. Randomly clicked a link in the Masthead, hit the back button to get back to the Morning Memo, and, voila!, the comments appeared!

Cue Twilight Zone theme music….


Best line EVAH: Moses, Moses, you MAD IMPETUOUS FOOL, MOSES!

Even as a child I knew that Ann Baxter was a Bad Girl.


Thanks. I’m pretty sure my backdoor issue this morning was due to not remembering the ‘title’ of the MM feature. I went to topics looking for "Morning Memo: . . . "

I’ll do better tomorrow. Or maybe the comments section will revert to allowing the first comments directly from the article ( :joy:).


He costume was rather sheer, wasn’t it?


The photo of the burrowing owls reminds me of the barn owls that roosted in my grandparent’s palm trees. While we kids would circle the trees, the owls would turn their heads nearly 360 degrees to watch us. Great times!


The wound of cheeseburgers.


Holy shit, that Penzey’s page reads like something I would write if I were calmer.

Some choice tidbits to persuade others to read it:

Watching the slow decline of the Republican Party over the last half century, and the steep decline/bottom falling out over the last decade,

The thing to remember about propaganda is that it doesn’t just misinform, it also works to make people immune from the truth by convincing them any facts that counter their propaganda are nothing more than HATE!!!

It’s really something.


I vividly recall sitting in my living room with my spouse two years ago as MSNBC read us the news that SCOTUS had returned the US to a pre-Roe nightmare of state-by-state abortion laws. I’ll never forget it.


No, but if the Right Wing Nut Jobs have their way, there will be something like a pharaoh.


I love Penzey’s. They were probably one of the first ‘activist’ businesses I was aware of.


Got back from birding (three Henslow’s Sparrows, people, not to mention a cute little Sedge Wren) and found MM up and running. The comments, not so much. Had to detour through WaPo and NOAA; someone had unclogged the pipeline by the time I got back.
Wasn’t showing in article topics, either.


Cecil B. DeMille also had fairly conservative political views. In the 1950’s during the Cold War while the Ten Commands was released in 1956 was the peak of the McCarthy era, though he was censured a couple of years earlier in 1954. He obviously had a feel of where the country was, however awful for many who had to contend with the Red Scare, particularly in Hollywood. Marketing the Ten Commandments as a way to stick it to the godless commies was just smart marketing.


Thanks again.

For some reason “TPM Article Topics” wasn’t even showing up in my categories. It’s there now, after I went through the process of actually adding it.

I’m confident I’ll do better tomorrow, lol.


He’s got his Irish up!!’

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