The Man Behind The State Department Inspector General’s Urgent Allegations | Talking Points Memo

State Department Inspector General Steve Linick went to Capitol Hill today to brief powerful congressional committees on alleged retaliation by top officials at the department.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

“It’s hard to imagine someone so inexperienced filling these shoes,” the official continued.

Twinkies and milk. They’ll put hair on your chest. Probably String’s secret power.


I’m watching live coverage of Dem Jamie Raskin of the Judiciary Committee speaking to the media about this meeting, and something doesn’t feel right about it, which Raskin hinted at but didn’t explicitly say. It feels like a false flag op intended to bait Dems into looking like they’re willfully using false information in order to undo the 2016 election. But Raskin isn’t falling for it. Dems are going to thoroughly review and look into what they were just given and decide what it means, who’s behind it and what to do with it. Good. That’s the right way to do this.


Was just watching the presser the H. Judiciary was holding. Jeeze, Jamie Raskin doesn’t know when to stfu. He’s a lousy communicator

He and Pres. Trump have that in common.


String seems like the kind of guy who would try to plant false info and documents with IG Linick just to throw things off and give the Trump Mob something else to shout about.

But … could he do that without the more experienced Linick getting suspicious? Wouldn’t Linick try to corroborate before going to the House committees (or has he been compromised, too)? Is String smart enough to pull this off without it crashing down around him and Pompeo?


Right to be skeptical about this.

And this


“It’s hard to imagine someone so inexperienced filling these shoes,” the official continued.


The Doogie Houser of legal advisers to State Dept.


So, if the tweets about Raskin’s statements are true, the Trump administration tried to feed false information to Congress through the State IG. Sure looks like an attempt to get the Democrats to trumpet something that’s obviously wrong, and then use that to cast doubt on the whistleblower report and the IG process that got it to Congress. And, feeding BS is probably part of the plan, they can spin it as “Democrats will only believe what they want to believe!”, at least some people will believe that.

Good thing this was caught now, and it really shows a large amount of desperation from the administration…the State Dept. is apparently being used by Pompeo in an attempt to save Trump. I don’t see that working out well, the professionals are going to react poorly to being used as pawns in support of Trump.


Sounds like he’s the GOP “curveball” trying to stovepipe Pompeo BS through the IGs office to Congress.


I wonder if Pompeo “bullied” String and Linick into doing this, or if they were willing participants.


This is just f’ed up. Raskin says the materials the State IG presented to the House Committees was conspiracy theory disinformation about the Russia investigation in folders and papers with Trump Hotel branding.

From the reporting, the IG received the packet of this shit last May and didn’t do anything with it, but after the recent events he decided the committees should know about it. CYA I guess.


If this is accurate, the next democratic AG is going to have to establish a separate office just for prosecuting trump administration coverups.


Who wants to go to prison just six years into a promising law career?


Ah, Rick Perry…he’s been so quiet, so under the radar, so out of the fray this last couple of years…


Or maybe the Dems didn’t brief what really happened behind closed doors. I would like to think the IG has some sort of credibility.

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So we were all thinking this meeting was going to be the state department’s IG pushing back against Pompeo’s massive abuse of his office.

Instead, if I’m reading this correctly, it was just another avenue to deliver more insane deep state propaganda?

Or maybe I’m getting too far ahead of myself. Perhaps Linick was delivering the letter in a “look what these assholes at the state department are up to now.” way instead of a “Deep state! Which Hunt! No Collusion! No Obstruction! I want to lick donnie’s orange ass!” type of way. The article does not make this clear to me, though this String fellow, who is obviously in the latter camp, sounds like he would have happily authored this letter himself.


As best I can tell, Giuiliani, or someone inspired by his rantings, is now sending material by mail.


Maybe his ‘naivete’ is the best defense/weapon against being drawn in to the DARK SIDE.