The Making of ‘Saint Hillary’: Exploring The Media’s Early Role In Defining The First Lady

Kelly’s misogyny was so maddening and hard to read while suppressing rage. The real story here is the blatant, in the open, misogyny exposing the fears of Kelly and misogynists everywhere. Of course, it wasn’t the real story at the time because men and women hadn’t come to terms with their obvious misogyny. Kudos to James Carville as he advocated taking it head on. He was secure enough to handle a strong powerful woman, as was Bill Clinton, but as we learned in 2016 most men and too many women were not. Hence, the biggest, most ugly misogynist of all sits in the WH. Albeit illegitimately.


You were lucky to have a smart, savvy outspoken grandmother.


The NYT which everyone does a knee jerk hate on also wrote this in September 2016. It couldn’t be more clear they supported her and endorsed her candidacy. She carried New York State and it wasn’t because New Yorkers took any of the criticisms you and others buy into to heart.


Thanks for reminding me of an acquaintance who at the time had the “I didn’t vote for Her or Him“ sticker. Today she lives alone after divorcing the father of her children who as a corporate executive was afforded the opportunity to hid a girlfriend on the side who lived in their jointly owned condo in another city.

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Nobody is doubting HRC limitations. We all have those. And hers aren’t particularly big. But ours aren’t demonized. That’s the point.

Also her secretive nature stems directly from the behavior of her critics. That’s what women did for centuries when under attack. This is how we survive this cyclization and the men in it.

It’s mind boggling when argument is made it’s somehow HRC’s fault that she was demonized. The truth is simply this: the hyenas figured out she was vulnerable as a woman and used it. Over and over. And no amount of ego massaging could help it. If she had tried that she would have been called a prostitute.

Look at every woman in the history who mattered politically. From Cleopatra whose “nose was too big” (gods help me!) to daily vilified Julia Hillard who at the end of her tenure as prime minister of Australia was accused of - I swear, I’m not inventing it - mysogyny. It’s the same story. Every single time. HRC is no different.

Men just can’t help themselves, they must be hyenas.


Too bad they were part of the media cabal that did so much to create the caricature of her that fostered so much hatred.

And their coverage of the 2016 Presidential campaign was putrid.

To accentuate their critique of overall 2016 coverage, the authors zoom in on the work of the New York Times. In a painstaking taxonomy of the newspaper’s coverage, they find an emphasis on what they term “campaign miscellaneous” coverage — or, “horse race” analysis and discussion of strategy and tactics.

Along that vein, the study alighted on quite a finding: “ In just six days, The New York Times ran as many cover stories about Hillary Clinton’s emails as they did about all policy issues combined in the 69 days leading up to the election (and that does not include the three additional articles on October 18, and November 6 and 7, or the two articles on the emails taken from John Podesta).”


Yes it is. The women of Imperial China lived so thoroughly under the thumbs of the men in their families that they developed a secret language that they often embroidered on gifts they gave other women.

But this is standard male tactics - force women into a certain position and then blame us when we find a way to deal with it and tell us it’s inappropriate.


In both her 2000 and 2006 New York senate races Hillary carried swaths of upstate New York that would be considered to be red today. You could call them “little Ohio’s” since theres a similar farm, industry vibe.
In her re-elect she swept every county except one in the middle of the state. When she did her listening tour you had parents in many of these upstate counties take their daughters out to greet her.
Michael Tomasky who was at New York magazine then wrote a solid book about her senate races.


Let’s not forget the inimitable Sally Quinn, who condemned the Clintons while she had an affair with a married man, Ben Bradlee.


Of course the insiders hated people like Carter & Clinton.

The insiders suddenly had fewer connections to the inside, and would actually have to get off their 4th point of contact and work for their columns.


Hillary was mercilessly attacked. It must be said, though, that it is obviously nuts to appoint one’s spouse to a position of great political power, no matter how competent he or she might be. We complain about the Trump offspring having big roles in government, and here we are.

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Well, as long as she knows her place, amirite?

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She’d been scaring men like him since she hit the national radar with her commencement speech at Wellesley in 1969.


You don’t think she would have gotten just as much criticism for “not taking it seriously” if she made everyone meet in public? Give me a break.

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I remember being excitedly shown THE internet terminal at my university. Before that it was direct-line dial up or dedicated lines to reach other systems, and it was faster to mail boxes of punch cards or tapes up to the “super computer” at another school.

The WWW, what most people think of as the Internet, was a true revolution for most users, and that was a few years later.


Speaking of her emails and the stench of bullshit around them, Comey spoke 11 days before the election about them. At that moment Clinton and her advisers knew he’d killed any chances of her prevailing. At the same there was voter suppression in 14 states in the 2016 election following the Roberts court hollowing out the VRA.

Add just these couple of examples of what went wrong to the overriding ginned up hatred of this woman over the years by her opposition and further add the undemocratic Electoral College and also low turnout because we were told she’d won. These factors helped trumPP win, not a “media cabal.”

A racist president who followed the first African American president who the former hated and made his followers hate through social media had more to do with her losing than we want to believe and accept.


Being his spouse wasn’t her qualification. Any administration might have thought themselves lucky to have someone with her organizational and political experience, someone who also had a firm grasp of purpose. The Children’s Defense Fund and Legal Services Corporation were not silly little projects she did in between tea parties and tennis.


So many thanks for that.

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What? He’s a cubs fan. What does he know about Baseball.


I’m not talking about New Yorkers or the Editorial Board of the NYT. Of course they endorsed HRC. The "Paper of Record"s news-side ran a wall of negative coverage painting Hillary as untrustworthy for the entire 2016 campaign. Do a google search about HRC, the NYT, and dark clouds looming. The results are astounding. And irrefutable.

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