Tell him to compare what he sees and knows with what is being recounted in the Russian papers and to get back to you when he decides who is lying.
I didn’t even think about the religion side of it—was there one? I just saw two kids in love, reaching out in a crazy time for something they care about and want to hold on to. You saw it too, of course. So much hope and sweetness. I guess we both have a sense of general approval despite particular doubts or questions. I’m sure you join me in hoping they both make it out of this and have eleven kids as sweet as them and live long and absurdly happy lives.
King Lear, Act 2, Scene 2
Good old irascible Kent unloads on Oswald, Goneril’s arrogant steward:
A knave; a rascal; an eater of broken meats;
a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited,
a hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave;
a lily-livered, action-taking knave, a whoreson,
glass-gazing, super-serviceable finical rogue;
one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a
bawd, in way of good service, and art nothing but
the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pandar,
and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch: one whom I
will beat into clamorous whining, if thou deniest
the least syllable of thy addition.
Yeaaaaahhh, no. Once you start an unprovoked war, it’s kinda your own job to reduce the opposing forces, thankyouverymuch.
It is hard to sort out what is going to happen, the original district 11 went strongly for Cawthorne but the GOP redraw made it less favorable for him so he shifted to an adjacent district that was redder. When the NCSC redraw came out, district 11 went back to being the one most favorable for him. I haven’t seen any polls but Cawthorn’s polling clearly tells him that his best chance is in district 11. I would be very surprised if he didn’t win the seat, assuming he wins the primary.
Well, well, well…
⚡⚡⚡ Russian major-general killed in action near Kharkiv. Vitaly Gerasimov, a chief of staff and first deputy commander of the 41st Army of Russia's Central Military District, Ukraine's intelligence intercepted talks.
— Alexander Khrebet/Олександр Хребет (@AlexKhrebet) March 7, 2022
Looks like Russian forces in and around Kharkiv are without their leader. And by the follow-up tweet it would seem that a few battalion groups may be without a head now too.
No way, IMO, that Russia ever turns into a North Korea. Not even Putin is comparable to Kim Jung Un and his family dynasty. If Putin hangs on, Russia will turn into an increasingly backward and impoverished Chinese satellite. If Putin goes down, another Putin-type may take over, or Russia might once again have a chance at liberal democracy. But I wouldn’t count on that kind of optimistic outcome. Russia has been having bad-luck turns ever since the Mongols overran the last remnants of Kievan Rus’ in 1240, and the center of gravity shifted north, to Moscow.
Supreme Court too embarrassed to reverse its hand off to the states in such a short timeframe.

but as a wartime practical joke that suddenly veered into old-world sweetness I liked it a lot.
Well, minus the question of whether any of the participants in the car were aware of it, whether any were underground dissidents, and ready to go down shooting, or any other number of accidents that can happen when lots of people are hanging around with boomsticks in a war zone (or a July 4th BBQ)…
Damned straight! I don’t intend to tell anyone else to be just like me! For each their own! It’s the intent that matters more than any philosophical wrappings I choose to encase it in.
I believe I made myself clear about practical jokes. I did notice a woman on the right side of the car moving her hands around, fussing with her hair and stuff, and there was no reaction. Seemed a little lax until the punch line.
It’s always been one of my favorite long-form insults in Shakespeare; it also applies well to a certain orange cloak-bag of guts.
I’m just not a fan of them since the last practical joke, a powerpoint e-mailed around between junior FSB folks for the Lolz about how Ukraine would welcome a russian force with open arms as liberators from their Nazi president, got swapped in e-mail attachments with a dire predication of impending failure in the briefing forwarded for Vlad’s review…
It is a ‘haunting’ for the ages, no matter the century.
Pretty much the same as dealing with a standard-issue Trumper: Tell them that you are actually done playing word games on important issues. Explain that you devote a lot of real effort to understand the world around you from a variety of perspectives (which includes their own). Explain to them what this looks like. Because of this work, you are able to fairly evaluate the issues. You don’t need a tv commentator, twitter post, or meme to explain it to you. Encourage them to do the same. If they persist, just tell them they are repeating lies and bullshit, which has no real effect on you but seems REALLY important to them. Encourage them to find out why. Tell them that you are there for them if they ever need genuine conversation.
Not at all. There is now a significant portion of the US who are ready to believe anything that Twitler sez. Putin has been working at this in Russia for four to five times longer than Twitler was in power. The difference between the two of them is that Twitler seemed to not be that interested in using military power as Putin obviously is. But just look at how many in the GOP refuse to distance themselves from the day in and day out lying. The US has had more rational periods than now, that much is clear. The problem is that any half-wit can see that the US can be convinced to use its military in illegal and amoral invasions with enough effort—Iraq II is the prime example from 20 years ago.
someone is over compensating
- Have you heard that Russia is at war with NATO!
— Ihar Filipau (@IFilipau) March 7, 2022
- And how it's going?
- Losses are eleven thousand soldiers and lots of equipment.
- And NATO?
- They haven't showed up to the war yet.#StandWithUkraine
Shhh! You’re gonna wake @zenicetus!