It’s like golf! The low score wins!
“War is a Racket” - Smedley Butler, 2 time Congressional Medal recipient.
Yeah! We can’t trust them not to invade the neighbors, but sure as shit they’re going to honor their bond debt.
I hope every hedge fund A-hole dives into the Russian equities and bond market headfirst.
You’ve been noticed.
Just letting you know the next harvest is on its way.
The poster is an Indigenous novelist and playwright who loves to poke fun at us settlers on Twitter.
Spring is on its way.
That’s optimistic. Cool.
Not in the Balkans.
The Kremlin Can’t Hide Its Ukraine War Dead
Fake news, cry Republicans.
It is the quintessential anthem of the futility of war.
There are some songs that never need to be improved upon. This is one of them.
Two Major Gens in two days. Tomorrows another day.
This was in the mid-1980s, so at that time there were still quite a few Great Patriotic War vets around. I personally witnessed one of them shouting at a one-legged Afghan vet who was asking to be served “outside the line” in a food shop, a privilege WW2 vets enjoyed. The “afganets” declared he fought for his country, too, and the crutches hurt his hands, but the older man was having none of it, accused him and his comrades of disgracing the Soviet Union.
This just keeps getting juicier and juicier.
The idiots tried to use the Era cryptophones in Kharkiv, after destroying many 3g cell towers and also replacing others with stingrays. Era needs 3g/4g to communicate.
— Christo Grozev (@christogrozev) March 7, 2022
The Russian army is equipped with secure phones that can't work in areas where the Russian army operates.
I mean, does anyone in the Russian Army have even the slightest clue what they are doing?
Sergei: Yuri, let us take out critical infrastructure on which our comms depend.
Yuri: But won’t that make it impossible for HQ to reach us?
Sergei: Exactly! And when done, we break out the Vodka!
Ironically, the thing about the religious right…?
They also sound bigger than they actually are : - )
Excellent explanation, @justruss. This is the way it happens. Not some slow obvious decline but a sudden end ripped from their grasp while they stand dumbfounded.
Do a quick search on “Falklands Thatcher” - how she got the moniker of “Iron Lady”.
Wasn’t a total cakewalk - this was the HMS Sheffield:
Yes, absolutely. This just looks like classic military stovepipe lines of comms that look familiar to any vet of any military.
ERA was just launched last year. I’d be willing to bet a hefty amount of money that all the residual doctrine changes required (simple things like telling the artillery folks not to knock out cell towers, which has been in their manual in one form or another since the advent of Morse code), let alone training, hasn’t caught up.
It’s the delusion of much of the conservative movement. "I think this way, so everyone else must too!