It’s not just insane focus on votes not counting, it’s the fact that (most likely) more Republicans
than Democrats have died of covid during the pandemic. They are actively reducing their numbers!
Eh, I think we’ve debunked that one about more GQP dying than Dems. I wouldn’t wanna count on it, anyway.
Should bode well for Wisconsin as well.
Well, other than the fact that proposals of marriage are pointless and unnecessary, YES!!
I’m sure they’ll whine about it all day long until the SCOTUS smacks them down.
That’s good news, NC Dems will probably gain a seat rather than lose several under the GQP gerrymander. Unfortunately, Madison Cawthorne will probably be re-elected unless he loses in the primary or is barred from running due to being part of the Jan 6 insurrection (this seems unlikely to me).
That’s just my guess, since more liberal thinkers are willing to look to science, and Neanderthals are not. I could be completely wrong.
I realize this is off-topic, but regarding that NYT article from the UVA senior complaining about “self-censorship.” How big of an asshole does one have to be to feel that you cannot express your conservative viewpoints at a Southern university like UVA? I went to Vanderbilt. The only students I knew who self-censored themselves in classroom discussions were kids who referred to MLK as “Martin Lucifer Coon” when they were outside the classroom.
The young woman who wrote that article said she was vigorously disagreed with in a discussion about older Indian women who committed suicide after their husbands died. What in the hell did she actually say about that topic that caused such a response?
The smack-down makes it sweeter.
That decision should be coming down soon, I would think. Now, would his district be getting some new voters, possibly? Seems some of these new maps are costing candidates their districts.
Gotta wonder if these guys were told in no uncertain terms that they were to get their troops in order and moving–from the front–or maybe don’t really make plans on coming home. Very Stalinesque, indeed.
I myself am not the world’s biggest fan of practical jokes, but as a wartime practical joke that suddenly veered into old-world sweetness I liked it a lot.
You’re not.
Normally, Russians and Ukrainians have tended to regard each other as ethnic cousins. The two languages are mutually comprehensible–kind of like Swedish and Danish or Norwegian. Russians, especially in the past, were often kind of condescending to Ukrainians, viewing them as country bumpkins, but that has lessened in recent years. There is a lot of intermarriage where the populations overlap. Religion makes a difference in some cases, especially for the Ukrainians in the western part of the country (around Lviv, for example): there, many Ukrainians belong to the Greek Catholic, or Uniate, Church, which dates back to the late 16th century, uses a Slavic liturgy, and has married parish priests, but recognizes the Pope as head of the church. Orthodox Ukrainians of course don’t accept the Pope, but they’re organizationally separate from Orthodox Russians.
The war, however, is breeding intense anti-Russian feelings among Ukrainians, and this may create a long-lasting estrangement. In the past, Poles and Ukrainians often hated each other, going back to the centuries of Polish rule over much of Ukraine and reinforced by bitter antagonisms during and immediately after World War II–but today, Poles and Ukrainians seem united in their loathing of Putin’s Russia, and most Poles are welcoming Ukrainian refugees. So Polish-Ukrainian “brotherhood” might replace Ukrainian-Russian “brotherhood.” But these attitudes often change given time and circumstances.
This happens in every war on every side. You can’t leave bodies moldering in the hot sun or cold winter…unless you want creatures to gnaw on them, etc, etc. The US is very spoiled in that it has the money and fire power to attempt to retrieve bodies of US fallen in most cases…that’s just not the norm at all.
I get that completely.
By the same token (I have probably mentioned this on TPM before), I have nothing but disdain for organized religion.
BUT…I appreciate the sentiment. My all-time favorite comic-book cover is this one: It’s possible to understand something without buying into it.
So Putin and his incompetence and impotence… must turn to foreigners… to press forward with the inhumane barbaric bloodthirsty slaughter.
No moral integrity.
And America’s war on school children continues