Oh, that’s easy. Officers are a dime a dozen, a good junior enlisted with a few years in and an adeptness for “procurement” is a goldmine for any unit, particularly one at war.
They’re famously nervy as negotiators. Always interesting when a thing you’ve heard about as a stereotype turns out now and then to be a little bit justified.
So do you think they’ll turn into another North Korea before long? I suspect the country is too large for that, but correct me if I’m wrong.
Great news!
Supreme Court Rejects GOP Redistricting Pleas In 2 States
It’s pretty hard to put the genie back in the bottle as far as western culture. Our shit is just too dope.
The fact that no Belaruse troops are not there indicates this report might be true too.
Someone’ll off putin, he’s not got that whole religious-type cult thing that the North Korean dynasty maintains, and then we’ll settle with the new boss on increasing engagement again.
Most likely outcome, IMHO. Exactly when we get to that point, the sooner the better.
“Just another poor boy off to fight a rich man’s war…” - Steve Earle
It’s spelled OTTAWA. Derived from the word Adawe, Alqonquin for to trade.
And, I would think, in time for any primaries for midterms.
I’ve always contended it’s our waste, and waists, that are what regimes fear.
People who have to stand in lines for bread don’t have the luxury of being nice and plump. Sure, they may see their leaders packing on the pounds, but not “normal” people like them.
Not an accident that the soviet empire collapsed not long after the first McDonald’s opened in moscow.
That’s what I think, too. Russia, for all it’s communistic leanings, is too diverse. The genie, as you say, is out of the bottle.
These people. Just when you think you can’t love them any more, you love them more.
Which is exactly what Trumpanzies want. If they get back in power that’s what will happen here.
To-MAY-to to-MAH-to.
(sorry, fixing)
A pulmonary embolism will send beloved president Vladimir Putin to special rehabilitation dacha on very beautiful Lake Baikal.
Great news, and a bit of a surprise to my cynical self. The cheese fascists in Wisconsin are screeching about appealing their state Supreme Court-ordered redistricting plan to the US Supreme Court.
They seem to be losing their own narrative, though. Same for Putin. Same for Boris Johnson. All these idiotic ‘luminaries’ are symptoms of the same disease. And signs that we are poised for a planetary-level change, as long as we don’t lose our shit and descend into depression.
I hope they do.
And when they get yet another smackdown, the primaries will go on, with or without them.
I rather hope they now get so ticked about this that they encourage their voters not to show up to vote. That would be one way to reduce the impact of stupid GQP voters on our choices.