The Final Sprint: Campaign Ramps Up In Closing Days | Talking Points Memo

My grandson is a brand new middle schooler and I can say without reservation he is far more mature than trump.



Oh… honey badger.


That. Is. Effing. Brilliant.


It’s fun to do thought experiments about a two person prison cell … trump and Bubba. Donald would be mortified.


The Lincoln Project ads are brutal. And it’s brutal treatment that trump richly deserves. I hafta remember that the Lincoln Project folk are republicans. I know of no democrat funded ads this effective except for one or two Biden ads.
Bravo Lincoln Project!!


Oh, but they’re just doing this as a subterfuge to betray Dems after the election.

the anti-Democratic Left


But who’s going to think about poor Bubba - can you imagine having to listen to Donnie’s whining day after day, week after week, year after friggin’ year!?!?!

Who are you to judge him!?!?

Poor Bubba - “sniff…”


Bubba is tough. Tougher than donald. Donald must submit.

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Proof that Texas was way cooler than any of you 39-1/2 years ago:


Has he tried the ever popular “I know you are, but what am I?” or even “I’m rubber, you’re glue…”

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Oh yes . . . if they can give Kent Hance a job they’ll take anyone.

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It makes me crazy every time a school that doesn’t really have the money for it decides it would be great to have a football team. It’s a hole to throw money in, and a pain in the butt for the faculty, since most of the recruits at that level are usually dumber than a sack of hammers.


As Dr. Spock would say… fascinating.

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Ohhhhhhh…don’t get me started about Kent Hance… (e.g., “good riddance to bad rubbish”)

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This is excellent. No knowledge of Spanish required - the graphics are enough.

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Everyone should see it.

Since when has trump or his campaign followed any rules? And the consequences to date? Do you really think that’s gonna stop them from sticking the tax payers with this expense, too?
Make no mistake. We ARE paying for it.

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I think you mean “Mr” ??? :slight_smile:

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There are campaign finance rules around using AF1, they must be followed and the campaign must reimburse the government. If they don’t, there will be penalties, and the FEC does pursue those, even with presidential campaigns. I don’t know enough about the specific issue to say what they are, but fines and jail time are options in general. The Trump campaign may try to ignore the rules, but they won’t get away with it and will be charged…if they ignore the charges then they will be investigated and punished. If they try to ignore the punishment, that won’t work so well for them.

Yes, it’s always possible Trump flees the nation and the charges are moot, but the charges are against the campaign, and they may be able to extend that to other entities like the RNC. It’s required to report all of this, so it will be public knowledge if they skip out, and you can bet that will come up in Congressional oversight hearings after the election…the House is going to investigate the Trump administration once Biden takes over, simply because they will finally have access to all of the information Trump tried to hide.

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