Originally published at: The Facebook Comment Section Is Taking Over The GOP - TPM – Talking Points Memo
Ed. Note: Where things stand will be off for Juneteenth. Nicole Lafond will be back to helming Where Things Stand after the break. Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s current lieutenant governor and the GOP nominee in the state’s gubernatorial race, is in the headlines again for inflammatory comments he posted on Facebook. The latest national coverage…
I read somewhere once that Facebook has more zombie accounts now than accounts still in use. Having read this article, I now wonder if zombie account has taken on a new meaning.
Public presentation to say nothing of noise level is quite different but Mark Robinson none-the-less somehow reminds me of Stephen Warren in Django unchained; there is a viciousness united with a strong desire to deny anything good to anything or anyone other than what he serves.
The red cloth that Mark Robinson is holding in the photo is his underwear after eating at Chipotle.
Easy to defeat Robinson.
Just pepper North Carolina with billboards with Robinson quotes. Not just Facebook postings. He’s make some choice statements in public, as well.
See here for some examples: https://www.advocate.com/politics/mark-robinson-nc-governor-statements#rebelltitem1 .
Where Things Stand: The Comment Section Is Taking Over The GOP
For just an instant, did anyone else reading that think somehow the Hive was in control of the GOP?
The great Willie Mays has died. He was 93.
Amazing person. Another figure in my world growing up now passing on.
Truly a man to be admired.
Apparently Robinson, as vicious as his pronouncements are, has a pretty good chance of winning election in North Carolina. I assume it will be a matter of turnout, as to whether he is elected, although I would like a very detailed analysis of whether Republicans will vote for a black as governor just because he is as vicious as any exclusionary white supremacist.
Since I have avoided Facebook from the get-go, I don’t have the opportunity of “unfriending” Mr. Robinson, whom I would never have adopted as a “friend” in the first place.
Me too, my hero as a young boy… everything numbered I owned was 24.
So, Mark thinks he has friends? Because Facebook?
Well unlike there, here the IT department of TPM has taken over the comments section.
My understanding is that they will release it for more cat photos.
You know I have never in my life thought of Facebook as being useful for anything more than sharing congatulations, condolences, photos and recipes with my family and friends. This story is a real revelation.
Tommy Tatertown thinks this means he won’t have to leave a tip anymore.