One more word on “designed laws” and “undesigned results.” - I see a bird which I want for food, take my gun and kill it, I do this designedly.—An innocent and good man stands under a tree and is killed by a flash of lightning. Do you believe (& I really should like to hear) that God designedly killed this man? Many or most persons do believe this; I can’t and don’t.—If you believe so, do you believe that when a swallow snaps up a gnat that God designed that that particular swallow should snap up that particular gnat at that particular instant? I believe that the man and the gnat are in the same predicament. If the death of neither man nor gnat are designed, I see no good reason to believe that their first birth or production should be necessarily designed.
Had always thought nationalization was the government takeover of some private sector enterprise and that it has not been undertaken. Is the author perhaps referring to either the "Immigration and Nationality Acts (INA) or Hart-Celler Act of 1952 or 1965? I guess in the Trump Era, if the GOP takes control of the Congress again and deepens its control of the judiciary we could see an Act built around Immigration and Nationalization which would most certainly contain considerable appropriation for enforcement through policing and incarceration.
And before the Civil War, they used the Bible to defend slavery.
This isn’t just about religion, conservative v. liberal.
This is about re-fighting the Civil War itself. Since Nixon, Reagan, and Roger Ailes, the Republican Party has become the vessel for Southern revanchism. The Party of Lincoln is long dead; what claims that title, as well as the “G.O.P.” label, is actually the old Southern Democratic Party of John C. Calhoun, Jefferson Davis, and the pro-slavery secessionists.
Seriously? A whole article about how white conservative Christianity went from cautiously pro-choice to rabidly anti-abortion and nothing to say about how it happened against the backdrop of the Supreme Court saying that segregated private bible schools could be stripped of tax exempt status? Conservative Christianity became anti-choice for the sole purpose of uniting with anti-choice Catholics to undermine the pro-civil rights Democratic Party. Period.
This article proves that white evangelicas have been tricked by the devil into doing evil deeds. The very man they proclaimed to follow in His Likeness, Jesus, has horribly betrayed HIM, in every sense of the word! They have all denied Jesus, just like the disciple Peter! Peter bandished Jesus 3 times the Holy Bible tells us and this is exactly what the white evangelicals have done. They have denied the rights of others to live in Peace, Harmony and Love. They have interprted what they call “sinful ways” into their judgement and hatred of others who do not conform to their beliefs. But I recalled Jesus saying LOVE ALL and DO NOT JUDGE, for that is My Father’s job. Just be a good example in the world and show COMPASSION TOWARDS ALL!
Yup. This graph does play with the axis a bit to make it look even more dramatic, but the decline in religious affiliation is real enough to start counting:
This. So glad to see someone else saying it. Now, you say it a whole bunch for a couple months, while I take a break after spouting it daily for a decade+ haha
My mother was a devout Christian in an evangelical denomination who lived her faith honorably. She was appalled by the Republican and evangelical embraces of Trump. On one of my last visits with her before she died, I mentioned Hillary Clinton’s experience and qualifications for the presidency and suggested to Mom that she might have to vote for Hillary. My lifelong Republican mom looked thoughtful for a moment and admitted that, yes, she would probably have to vote for Hillary because Trump was so obviously unfit for the office and, she added, unacceptably immoral.
Mom was a Christian who happened to have been reared and spent her life in evangelical circles. That said, she never turned off her brain. Unfortunately, she was one of just a few in her circle who thought outside of the box sometimes.