When Christianity Today published an editorial calling for the removal of President Trump from office, the media seized on the article, pointing to it as proof of a materializing crack in a demographic often painted as Trump’s most loyal base of supporters.
Meh. Much ado over nothing if you ask me. They will vote en masse for the man promising permanent minority-rules white Christian hegemony and laws written to enforce their beliefs on everyone else. A couple people with consciences does not make a rebellion or schism. There will be no “awakening” or “enlightenment” for a large number of evangelicals. NONE. This is LITERALLY a holy culture war to them, blessed and ordained by God just as Trump was to lead it and finally help them re-establish the primacy they once confidently believed they possessed over not just this country but through it the entire world. People like the guy from Christianity Today are not just betrayers, but HERETICS…blasphemers of the highest order who have committed excommunicable sin to denigrate the holy word of God embodied by Trump at a time when God’s Chosen One has finally been sent to fulfill their Manifest Destiny.
It’s been said that Donald Trump didn’t change America, he revealed America and I think the exact same thing is true of the evangelical church,” he continued. “Donald Trump didn’t change evangelicalism, but he certainly revealed it and he surfaced some really, really troubling things.
The point I have been trying to make, it’s not that a large segment of Americans became mean, selfish, racist fascists because of Trump, they have always been, he just helped them to get out of the closet.
A few of them have seen the writing on the wall and now want to pretend they never supported the demon Trump to begin with. It won’t work. Evangelicals are exposed in all their filthy glory.
As I recall, Southern white Christians used the Bible to defend racial discrimination, segregation, and as a reason to deny marriage between different races. It’s not a far stretch from there and those despicable views to supporting Trump.
It’s not, repeat not, about abortion or same sex marriage. It’s about maintaining their status, privilege and power in a rapidly changing society that places them in a minority or, at best, a plurality.
Fortunately, a few Evangelicals appear to have a conscience and taken a step back from the brink. Too few for us, but too many for Trump. For him to be comfortable as he runs for re-election, that is.
It’s not true that everything Trump touches dies. Corruption, white grievance politics, and religious fundamentalism are thriving. The things of the world can be partitioned into two non-empty disjoint sets: those that die and those that thrive when touched by Trump.
Trump is, basically, inexcusable…so what is going to happen is this:
Like SCOTUS, like the State Department, Like the DOJ, like the Senate, persons associated with evangelical Christianity are either going to be Trumpers or fighting Trumpers.
I can easily see a break coming in that identification. Even if small, a few more on the right side helps.
We will at least be able to categorize more efficiently if they end up redefining themselves. The evangelicals keep hiding under the cloak of being just like all the other Christians. But they operate very differently from the other denominations. This is going to remove that cloak some more. It also means messaging and rebuttal can be optimized. If you realize there are divisions, then at least you can avoiding insulting them all by using a broad brush.
It will not only force them to make their decision on which side of the fence they want to occupy, it means they have to directly begin stating that position internally. It reduces that running away from scrutiny by disappearing in the crowd.
In fact, since Trumpo has them so worked up in declaring their fealty to him, their leaders will have a hard time shutting up their average Joe as they respond to all of this scrutiny.
These people are lapping up all the accolades associated with Christian beliefs while–all under the radar–they pay no taxes, operate like corporations and are some of the most hard-nosed capitalists out there.
Now, legions of young people are saying to themselves:
[“Evangelicals? Hmmm…Don’t know much about them, but having looked at this, I want a closer look…WHY are they supporting a slug like Trump? End of Days? Didn’t know about that one! You mean to tell me that this Fat Fuck (who can’t spell the word ‘Bible’) is the Ticket to Heaven for these guys?”]
Funny how this topic has blown up since the CT editorial. Every media outlet has a story. NPR just today had a soundbite with a evangelical lamenting that he is tired of everyone assuming evangelicals support Trump, then says “I was raised a Democrat”.
Note to NPR: that does not suggest he is anti-Trump.
In 2016, 81% of white evangelicals voted for Trump. Other polls (PRRI) show an increase in Trump WE support from 2016 (65%) to 2018 (75%).
In 2018, 76% of white evangelicals supported Trump (71% women, 81% men).
In late 2019, 71% of WE support Trump (Fox poll, others from various polls).
The supposed decline in WE for Trump arguably is a statistical error, but if so, it is miniscule. I do not see a lot of WE Trump disapproval ratings (too lazy to dig down), but I think it is reasonable to conclude only about 10-15% of WE disapprove of Trump, with an equal number of “undecided”. Not much.
I have to ask, how many young people from outside the family are they actually grabbing? Anyone? Every time I see anything, it is an overall fall in younger people taking on a formal religion.