Right-wing Christian media kicked into high gear in the days following the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, coalescing around a defense of former President Donald Trump based on a smorgasbord of persecution complexes, whataboutism, conspiracy theories, lies, and misinformation about law enforcement and the judicial process. The Christian right and its GOP allies are counting on their base consuming a steady diet of these radio shows, podcasts, social media posts, and email blasts, tuning out any coverage that conflicts with their image of Trump as both a virile hero and a victim besieged by radical leftists at the FBI. For them, God anointed Trump, choosing an “unlikely” leader to restore Christian America. It is precisely because Trump is singularly capable of resurrecting the Christian nation, this thinking goes, that the radical leftists of the deep state want to bring him down.
Sad how all these “Christian leaders” seem to be suffering from short term memory loss. I just want to know where the Left’s hit squads will attack them next. s/
They do it because “Jesus” wants that. /s And for this “holy work” they’re doing, they don’t have to pay income or property taxes, as a corporation would. Despite whether significant additional taxes would be material, rules that keep politics out would keep churches from helping wanna-be dictators would be good.
The documents Donnie was holding were property of the United States government;
If there’s a strong case that Donnie committed a felony, by law, his continuing liberty is at the discretion of the courts.
Seems an open and shut case of, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s.”
Somehow I doubt that rest of this drivel has much scriptural support, which wouldn’t matter if these purported churches were political organizations.
If the church leaders don’t like our country, they can go back to the shithole country they came from. America. Love it and its laws, or get the hell out.
The evangelical right claims that the living word scares/drives people from the church and that Christians are persecuted because they’re Christians. I’ve got news for them. It’s politics that drives people away from the church and if Christians are being persecuted, it’s because of their hypocrisy.