The Award For Most Bad Faith Refusal To Acknowledge Biden’s Win Goes To… Ron Johnson | Talking Points Memo

Vigorous shirt-tucking in Gorky Park stays in Gorky Park, Comrade.



Stick to surfing, RonJon

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And so the process begins, my friend. Ask and ye shall receive:

There isn’t a lot of love for RoJo in Wisconsin. If he chooses not to run, as he suggested he would a while back, it’d be the best thing for him, because he’s likely to lose bigly in 2022.

My argument is, we have to have a strong candidate. We need the name recognition as soon as possible. And please, G-d, no Russ Feingold. We need the younger candidates to start replacing the older ones sooner rather than later.


To be fair, I don’t think Putin has told him what to say yet.


(tl;dr the above)

He’s a fucking traitor and he’s owned by Putin.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: please stop you’re killing me! :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


Which we need to attach to the GOP like a 167.GettyImages-561131679-a26332c

and so fucking compromised by Putin.


Just as soon as Rudy gets out of the Waldorf Hysteria .


Although the state overall was motivated to vote for Biden, the current state Republican leadership is all in/full on claiming fraud and acting as if the recount is going to overturn the results here.

The legislature refused REPEATEDLY to update the voting laws to allow early/mail in votes to be counted prior to the polls closing on election day. They flat out refused and are now calling all of those votes a “ballot dump”.

I fear they will try some restrictive shenanigans to voting by mail/early voting (they already shortened it by 2 weeks) and institute a deadline by which votes must be counted. And since both the Wisconsin and US Supreme courts have held that only the state legislatures can create voting laws. It is going to be truly ugly.


Cunningham conceded.


When Ron Johnson was asked to comment on the Rape of Nanking, he said “What was Miss King wearing?”

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Well, it wasn’t taped, and the people who heard him either lied or kept their mouths shut.


What do you expect from a Cheesehead?

He’s taking phone calls: 202-224-5323

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I don’t know these names, but internet people of our ilk like Biden’s proposed bank regulators.


Well, we could congratulate him for not fucking up the pandemic response and killing a quarter million people. We could congratulate him for not being impeached. How about congratulating him for not creating 545 orphans? Maybe congratulate him for not owing anybody half a billion dollars. Can we at least congratulate him for not throwing away an election and a chance at a second term?

There’s no guarantee of that any more! Biden only won Wisconsin by 20k votes and we can’t rely on polls to tell us who is going to win state level races any longer. Turnout isn’t an indicator of Dem success either any more.

The only way I’m going to be relieved for a Dem victory in 2022 is if there was massive state level organizing that also involved trying to pluck off rural Wisconsin voters.


When the hell do AZ and GA make the call? I know GA will go into recount, but pull the plug already.

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