Let’s be fair. The scarecrow in Oz at least had a heart and courage.
Should we determine if this is true by using the test of fire?
Maybe it’s “on the lamb” and that’s what the Russians have on him?
Asking for proof from a friend? It’s just not done. Better not to befriend any Trump supporter. I dropped a person I’ve known for longer than 30 years when he wrote that he supported Trump.
It smacks too much of Trumpistic purging of one’s political enemies. I expect that Biden will be trying to restore the tradition of not knifing the losing party in the back when regimes change.
See my GOTV message of “Elect Joe and you won’t have to wake up every morning in fear/dread” must have gotten through to the voters.
Excuse me, but I don’t think anyone needs blackmail on RoJo to get him to do/say stupid stuff. This is his natural state of wanting to be on the team. He’s a team player.
When Ron (The Stupidest Senator) Johnson (R-CheeseHeads) went to Moscow over the 4th of July in 2018, something happened to him.
I suspect the Russians went full Kompromat on him and have him in their pocket as a “Useful Idiot” tool now.
What do you think? Dead Girl or Live Boy(s)? My money is on: Both.
Which is how he got elected and re-elected in Wisconsin…
What Kompromat does Putin have on Ron Johnsonwax?
I don’t support knifing, but do support investigations. If there are no investigations by Biden’s AG of Trump’s admin this will have been my last vote for any Democrat.
I really think we all need to stop giving this bullshit oxygen. I’m as bad as anybody, so I’m going to try my best not to be part of the problem. That means refraining from reading – never mind commenting on! – any content here, at WaPo, the Atlantic, the failing NYT, or wherever that focuses on that stupid asshole and his desperate, entirely predictable attempts to continue being the center of attention and continue his grift. I’m tired of seeing the lead story here and elsewhere be about Trump’s state of mind, Trump’s lawsuits, Trump’s plans, Trump’s tweets, what Trump’s lackeys are doing or saying, what Trump’s lackeys aren’t doing or saying. Fuck 'em all. I like a good hate and outrage rush as much as anybody, but I’m tired of taking the bait, and it’s not doing me any good.
I know, I’ll last about two hours. But it felt good to get that off my chest. And I really am going to try.
See you in two hours.
They might be waiting for the sequel to the Spike Lee film Bamboozled. Bamboozled 2 Electric Boogaloo.
Johnson is Reason #5,478,221,659 of why there are no good republicans and you can’t trust any of them ever.
As do I, but not for the sake of clearing out senate seats and filling them with “loyal” members of the party of the investigators. Justice and vengeance are two different swords, not edges of the same sword.
He’s a mealy mouthed bastid…as well as dumb as whale spit. A thoroughly despicable POS.
I’d be most surprised at the fact that it was smart enough to run away.