The 5 Biggest Bombshells In The Woodward-Costa Book | Talking Points Memo

Well, I think we’re out of time because we cannot pull CO2 out of the atmosphere and we keep burning fossil fuel like there’s no tomorrow. The Earth is bleeding CH4 and all of our glaciers/fresh water is being dumped into the oceans.

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Sigh. It’s not that she didn’t “care to come” to your state. It’s that she was focused heavily on the swing states she thought she needed to win. Had she lost WI and MI and won FL and OH, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But this is silly. 650,000 people are dead because people couldn’t stop harping on Hillary Clinton. Eight years, two impeachments, a whole helluva lot of pain later and people still can’t stop themselves. I cannot.


Fucking, Trump.

Absolutely not true…but ya better look twice muahahahahahaaha!


It’s just silly and it conveniently ignores the fact that she spent a great amount of time in PA, OH, and FL and lost those states too, but I guess a visit to MI would’ve changed everything.


All hail Edward Jenner who fought the reactionaries of his day to provide the first vaccine. It was against cow pox. The idea was to prevent infection with smallpox.


:kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

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Good lord. Next they’ll be accusing him of being an artificially animated corpse. Madness.


And the always watchable Eva Marie Saint who fell in love with Cary Grant on a train.


Accepting that Woodward/Costa have the story right, I offer two ‘excepts’ for Ethics_Gradient: "Quayle wasn’t heroic, he just said what any decent person would have said.”

… except that Republicans - if not all, certainly those in public life - are presumptively indecent. There could be an interesting conversation about where lies the bar for Republicans for indecency. I would argue that it is laying on the ground at least for active politicos like Pence, if not for folks out of the public limelight like Quayle. My take on Quayle based on his public record is that he is shallow and opportunistic. That would not make him necessarily indecent. But I presume that he still identifies as a Republican (thus the Pence reach out). So, this matter is murky. But still, a Republican evidencing decency when the fate of the country and the world is literally on the line is at least extraordinary.

… except that this was as serious a conversation as one might imagine in the heat of the moment, where Pence was pressuring someone of some stature to give him permission to knuckle under to Trump to relieve the Trumpian hot breath on his neck.Thus, the reach out to a fellow Indiana US Vice President, Quayle, playing golf everyday/all day in Arizona while doing something for a hedge fund and hanging around a variety of board directorships; i.e.: a ‘full life.’. And Dan Quayle could have punted (‘You gotta do what you think best, Mike’). But he did not do that. Dan Quayle was up to a moment that would have stressed any of us. And I am still stunned that I am using the words Dan Quayle’ and ‘heroic’ in the same sentence.

And this has been a trip down memory lane, so thanks for that…


Woodward was not in the room and I am certain that is not an exact quote. Almost certainly what he was saying was that their backchannel comms would not leave Li in any doubt about our intentions.


And she still won the popular vote by 3 million votes! Hillary Clinton was robbed as was the entire country. 650,000 deaths later and a crashed economy and people still don’t get it.


She always has a home at FOX News.


The real difficulty will be finding “a jury of his peers”. Who would they be? Jefferson Davis? Bonnie & Clyde? Idi Amin Dada? Kim Yong Un? Bernie Madoff? Harvey Weinstein? Only seven so far, with four of them dead and two non-Americans. It will be quite a challenge.

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Because she’s been relentlessly attacked by the Reich Wing noise machine for 30 years. Rethuglickers have always been terrified of Hillary because she’s smart and ambitious. They hate Kamala Harris too.


A jury of peers does not mean a bunch of like-minded people. It simply means a jury of people drawn from the geographic community. If MAGA Mike travels from South Bumstead, Alabama to participate in the J6 insurrection, he gets a jury panel consisting of citizens residing in D.C.


I’ve had some luck with alcohol - if I can get them to consume enough of it, they will not remember their interactions with him, which gives everybody plausible deniability…


You need a sarcasms tag, someone might take you seriously.

Common sense is absent in the anti vax groupies. You can be sure that absence causes all sorts of dysfunctions in their lives.

Are they ever going to do a series on Discovery’s “90 day fiance” about Melania?

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