The 5 Biggest Bombshells In The Woodward-Costa Book | Talking Points Memo

We didn’t treat them like traitors 155 years ago and this is the result.


Because he almost said that the covid “vaccine” has been sugar-water all along, and this whole crisis was manufactured by a cabal of governments under the tutelage of Soros Himself as the chance of a lifetime to get people to blindly obey their political overlords without question or hesitation.

Fortunately, there are Real Americans and Real Europeans who see through the facade of masks, vaccine “passports” and the fake vaccines themselves to the deep states underneath it all pulling the strings.


Trump has to go full hyperbole and misconstrue the magnitude, but he’s not entirely wrong. At the time, Pence was about to be run out of town on a rail as an exceedingly unpopular governor and almost certainly had no political future post 2016.

That’s not to say he has one now, moving forward from 2020, but he did manage to wring something out of those extra 4 years that he otherwise would not have had.


Why DOEsn’t doctors TELL the truTH about ivermectin and THAT you can tREAT everything WITH it by PUTTIng it on STUFF and INserting IT into any of your body HoLEs.


Trump has broken every norm he has been in position to destroy.
Trump is a very dangerous man

Maybe the business suit protects him
Maybe with Peaked Cap, Jackboots and Riding Trousers we would wake up.

To answer your question…I cannot say, any more than most people here. But I will say, that, for all the (justified) criticism of the MSM (including hacks like Andrea Mitchell, Peter Baker, Chuck Todd)…

My biggest fear, once I knew that Trump would be POTUS in November 2016, was that Trump would manage to get control of the Press.


Marie Antoinette n Louis


Someone put it on facebook, so WHAT is the government hiding from us that they haven’t even studied anal ivermectin?!?


“I don’t want to be your friend anymore if you don’t do this"…“I made you. You were nothing.”

This is how someone who has no friends and never has talks about friends.


JFC he tries to be so macho and yet so often he sounds like a tween. And not a boy tween. Said before, say again, I find it, uh, intriguing.


It’s time to wake up. There is no Republican Party as we remember. There is now a Republican/Q/Fox/Trump Cult Party dedicated to destroy the vote and thus destroy democracy. It’s time to wake up! Climate Change is roaring down on us.


Pence then pushed Quayle, purportedly telling him: “You don’t know the position I’m in.”

Sorry if this offends people, but what a fucking pussy Pence is. He’s whining because he’s that scared of Fat Man? Seriously? Jesus dude, and you think you have the stones to be president? Clearly Fat Man chose little boy because he smelled what a cowering, simpering bitch he is.

Like I’ve said many times, Trump is a predator who finds weak men with ambition beyond their abilities.


Ivermectin suppositories? Gotta be a blast.


And/or skeletons in their closets (e.g., Miss Lindzey)


Elmo (But Her Pantsuits!)

I hear she had emails.

And gave speeches to bankers.

So at least we dodged that bullet!


I mean, this is clearly Milley trying desperately to save his own image in history. “Look at all the things I did! I would have stepped up to stop Trump” And yet, the story is just that much darker, which is that it is clear, for the umpteenth time after Jan 6th, our democracy is fatally flawed. The 25th Amendment failed to remove an incapacitated president from the chain of command, impeachment failed to remove a corrupt president who fomented a coup to retain power, and entire side of the political spectrum continues to support and encourage this. America is on borrowed time unless there are fundamental changes. This is going to happen again.


Milley having contacts with the Chinese military is no different than how the generals acted during the Cuban missile crisis.


N raw power.


Melania Trump can now join Donald as the worst President and First Lady in our nation’s history. Melania is a Trophy Wife for a Freak.


Josh made the point in his edblog about Woodward that “Since his access has always been purported to be unlike anyone else’s he can have scoops that really no one else can confirm.” Which I guess is true, but I can’t recall any previous scoops from Woodward where a source was named like they are here, not just anonymous, and that source said “no, I never said that, he’s lying.” You wouldn’t want to get crosswise with someone like Nancy Pelosi, for one.

You’ll hear plenty of screams from Trump that people are lying, but Woodward’s sources are the ones to ask. And if they aren’t asked and just don’t comment, that’s a confirmation.


One would be surprised at how many times (and in how many organizations and Eras) this is true.

Two reasons are that they are easy to use and then blame.

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