The 2024 Campaign Veered Off The Rails In One Bizarre Day

Originally published at: The 2024 Campaign Veered Off The Rails In One Bizarre Day

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. What The Hell Was That? Some days, ya’ll. Yesterday was one of them. Rather than headlining any single one of the day’s weird, troubling, or strange outbursts, Morning Memo will just work through them in…

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Good Morning! Or is it afternoon? :wink:

Seems like the r’s have given up on winning over voters and are at the we’re going to destroy this nation one way or another stage.


And it’s only 7:30 am in Arizona.


Is the gish gallop working as well as it did in previous years?

One that is striking me this year (and it could totally just be observational bias on my part) is that despite the torrent of weird and bad (if we lived in a normal world) news (and boy, was yesterday a doozy!), it’s not working as well as it has in the past. For the last few weeks, really since the Dem convention, there has been an extended discussion on some item that (IMHO) isn’t good for the Reps. I’m thinking of things like

  • childless cat ladies (leading to Swift’s endorsement)
  • the Arlington cemetery photo shoot
  • the pet eating immigrants (best response - “we don’t eat pets. we vote”)

In each of these cases, despite the usual deluge of stupid and dumb Rep talking points, they have been unable to push the headlines out of sight. Is our media learning?

I suspect the trans-porn watching, sister-in-law schtupping, black nazi could be another such item.


Video, Photos: Long Line in Deep-Blue Arlington on First Morning of Early Voting in Virginia; Sen. Tim Kaine, Rep. Don Beyer, Arlington County Board Dem Nominee JD Spain Fire Everyone Up | Blue Virginia


Black Nazis really should just stand back and stand by.


To be completely fair: If anyone, anyone at all is surprised by anything, anything, that’s come out, or is still yet to come out about Robinson… then they just weren’t paying even the least bit of attention.


Destroying American democracy is more or less mainstream in the Republican party now.

David Noll


Kathleen Belew and Chotiner on the current moment in white nationalism and its relationship to the GOP…

What is different is that we are now post-January 6th, and post the galvanizing of white-power groups as part of the Trump campaign. It isn’t just extremists with a wink and a nod but people being invited to dinner at Mar-a-Lago, people being welcomed. We can see that with Blood Tribe. There’s no disavowal. Instead, there’s doubling down and the embrace of these overtly white-power and neo-Nazi groups. That’s different.


Yeah, and one difference is that there’s just so much less resistance within the Republican Party, which during Trump’s first term pushed back against some things, like child separation. Now it feels like the Party is both bigger in terms of encompassing these sorts of extremist groups, and much more united. I think that’s right. I mean, part of that has to do with the work that these extremist groups have done to normalize themselves, not only to Trump but within the command structure of the G.O.P. So you have had Oath Keepers being elected to office, Proud Boys assuming positions within the G.O.P. at the state level. And then they’re doing things like showing up for school-board meetings. That’s not just marching in intimidation. That’s an attempt to engage themselves within the normative political structures that have been opened by the Trump Administration and campaigns.


September 20, 2024 at 4:29 AM

Everybody can reply


He should have limited his sexual braggadocio to claims he could sexually assault women with impunity. That’s OK with the base.


I’m betting his officiating at black masses (no pun intended).


I was gonna say the Republican party vetting is as good as the Hezbollah IT dept.



So good to see the enthusiasm in VA. I think it’s going to be that way across the nation. Harris/Walz for the win. And we keep the senate by re-electing Tester and sending Cruz and Scott down in flames. Go Blue!


Ouch, dropped to under $15.00 per share.

Trump Media Slides 6%—As Trump Can Now Sell His Shares (




First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

–Martin Niemöller


Because once they are used they will be shot.


MIssing from MM was the assassination of a judge in Kentucky while in chambers.

Kentucky sheriff charged in killing of judge at courthouse | AP News

My late mother: ‘The World is Nuts!’



Irony lives.

