Texas v. Garland: Another Attack On Women And Democracy From A Radical Judiciary

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1482359

They hate us. They really hate us. “We” being anyone who could ever get pregnant. The cruelty is the point.


Without urgent action, these assaults on our democracy will only continue—and women will continue to pay the price.

But too many women don’t see this as affecting them. They control their own destiny with the vote, but they cannot see the forest for the trees.

Any woman voting Republican is voting to be a second-class citizen entirely at the mercy of some men (and women) who don’t care what happens to them, even when they’re pregnant.

It’s better answered not by just voting, but by running for the offices that affect women’s issues. And I don’t mean women like Cindy, who voted against IVF. I mean women who really understand all the related issues.


Although McCarthy v. Pelosi made it to SCOTUS, its constitutionality wasn’t addressed. It all fell under that infamous Speech and Debate Clause and “we make our own rukes.”


I think I am beginning to see a pattern.

  1. No abortions because women need to understand that there are consequences for when they have sex, willing or not.
  2. Embryos are babies because men don’t have to do anything but keep them frozen - cheap and not disruptive.
  3. Women belong at home, barefoot and pregnant but second best is miserable at work.

You forgot the part about how if they are single moms, they should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and not expect any help. Go to the churches, or something.


… the most recent front of an escalating attack by a radical right wing judiciary that undermines our government’s ability to function and thwarts the will of the people.

I might add that this radical right wing judiciary is primarily located in Texas. The ease with which state and private actors so egregiously game the system must be addressed. But when and by whom? Even John Roberts(!) thinks this venue-shopping is a bridge too far.


Well how long will it take for Republican women to wake up to the fact that Republicans are not friends of women?


Vandals, gleefully wreaking random havoc and thinking themselves clever.


When their husbands let the alarm clock go off… they keep hitting the snooze.


Interestingly, James Wesley Hendrix was first nominated to the US District Court by Barak Obama, but the nomination expired while Moscow Mitch was in control of the Senate. In other words, I’m not sure radical right wing is correct in this case. Certainly with Matthew Kacsmaryk, the label is appropriate.

In Oregon, Trump was able to get only one District Court nominee on the federal bench, but she’s actually a really good judge. So, just because Trump nominated someone, doesn’t always mean they’re hacks. In this case, Hendrix clearly got this wrong, but for now, I’m giving the guy the benefit of the doubt.


Or put their children up for adoption, because how could a woman possibly raise her children without a male person around to control everything.


On a related note, let us stop wondering forever why corporations don’t support universal healthcare and the chance to remove that expense from their overhead. The reason, as this idiotic ruling that only a slaver could love, is control. Complete and absolute control over their employees. Imagine millions of people in shitty pointless jobs, suffering in toxic workplaces and dealing with absolute asshats for managers suddenly no longer have to worry about their health insurance. Millions of people would take the chance to see if they could find better work and leave the assholes behind. it wold create a wave of resignations that would bring the economy to a near standstill and would force asshole employers of all sizes to get their shit together in a fucking hurry. And not one of them wants to do that. So, they resist and they fight it and they buy scumbags like this fucking shitbag judge who does their sleazy dirty work for them.


The question is, and it needs to be answered by women and especially White women 53% of whom voted for Donald Trump in 2020;

will there be a political price to pay for misogyny and appointing anti-women judges?

If any Republican in any race receives less than 50% of the White woman vote, they have a 90% chance of losing.


Once they understand their mothers are women they might understand.
Or maybe their fathers treated their mothers as second class citizens and they loved it.


You said it better, but I’ve been saying this for years. I’m finally on Medicare this year and I can’t describe what a sense of freedom I feel.


Well, somewhat tragically Democrats have a long-standing practice of nominating qualified jurists, not just partisan hacks. Similar to our reticence when it comes to bare-knuckle politics, this too must change. Gone are the days where Republican judges rule based on precidence and explicit legislation.

So I read it the other way around. The mere fact that Hendrix was re-nominated by TFG (and must surely have been blessed by the Federalist Society) should be enough to assume he leans right. Given that he is now beholden to no one for reelection, this decision speaks for itself vis-à-vis how far right he actually is.

– Edited for clarity.


America has always been an ownership society. Settlers differed from the natives in that settlers have ownership of individual parcels of land. Settlers, like many of the natives, could also own other people. Then ownership of African-origin people was outlawed, but men were still entitled to own their women and children. For a man to have his own woman, was to have his owned woman. Now even that’s being taken away – which is why Republicans want all men, even domestic abusers, to have full right to own guns, which are mostly used to enforce ownership of women, in practice.

This is America as the Founders formed it, the one that originalist textualism is returning us to.


I have been wondering about proxy voting in congress, but this is the exactly wrong case to use to test the concept. I don’t know how tone deaf Texas can get.