Texas v. Garland: Another Attack On Women And Democracy From A Radical Judiciary

Given that the House and Senate do “make their own rules,” isn’t almost everything they do related to defining what qualifies as a majority (quorum) Consititutional? In US v Balin SCOTUS found that

… [t]he Constitution has prescribed no method of making this determination, it is within the competency of the house to prescribe any method which shall be reasonably certain to ascertain . . . the presence of a majority, and thus establishing the fact that the house is in a condition to transact business.

I won’t be shocked if today’s SCOTUS choose to hew to their faux originalist ideals (There was no videoconferencing in the 17th Century!!) and ignore precident, but this seems pretty cut-and-dried.


Well, Hendrix was nominated by Obama to a Texas District Court seat. That means that he was approved by both Cornyn and Cruz. That Obama nominated him probably means that they determined that Hendrix wasn’t the most odious available choice. (That is, he probably bathes weekly and doesn’t kick his dog around the house.)


Yeah we can’t have actual freedom in this country. Just impotent fascist displays of parades and flags and idiots desecrating flags printed on thongs lodged up their disgusting ass cracks.

Sometimes I think the GOP isn’t so much pro-babies as it is anti-women.


The whole IVF thing made it abundantly clear.

Too bad it’s moved the polls toward, and not away from, TIFBG.


This is an entirely reasonable view. And I can’t disagree.


Not really loving how they go out of their way to intentionally hurt people.


“I do not believe that just because you are opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, a child educated, a child housed. And why would I think that you don’t? Because you don’t want any tax money to go there. That’s not pro-life. That’s pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is.”
Sister Joan Chittister


They want you out of the workplace, ladies, and back in that fucking kitchen barefoot and pregos where you belong. You’re taking up too many jobs that men should be getting but aren’t, because they can’t compete with you. :wink:


You can say that again. Who in his or her right mind would challenge reasonable pregnancy accomodations. **For Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton cruelty is the point. **And since the people of Texas keep electing them and their ilk the same must be said for the majority of Texans generally.


The forest being the things that WILL affect those women when the legislature and/or courts get around to them.


Do these right wing extremist “judges” ever do anything to make America a better place? All they do is push us down a rathole.


“The House can’t legislate anything because they passed a rule that constantly threatens the speaker’s job.”

“Welp, the House makes it’s own rules. Nothing to be done.”

“They also passed a rule that a quorum can be satisfied remotely, and lots of organizations have allowed remote participation for meetings for years.”

“I’ll decide what the word ‘quorum’ means.”

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Remember when GOP’ers railed about “judicial activism” ? I do. They used to bitch about “frivolous lawsuits” and “states rights” too.


The saying is “Don’t mess with Texas” but it needs a corollary…Texas don’t mess with the rest of us.


A lot of people in the legal profession ( lawyers and judges) love to practice medicine with zero training or understanding.


By extension, of course, this means they also hate embryos, fetuses, and unborn children. Could that make them accessories to murder, if/when something bad happens? Asking for a friend.


Only for their rich donors.

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That was when they were in power. And they also weren’t as far right wing.

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