As a proud resident of San Antonio, I wish to say Huh? What? Oh Well.
It wasn’t your observations. It was your pronouncement of doom, made only to satisfy yourself. If scrolling was what I wanted to do, this post wouldn’t exist.
Stimulus or masturbation, not sure.
Dulce et decorum est pro Dow Jones Industrial Average mori.
This Lt. Gov. is the other Dan Patrick as far as Mrs darr is concerned:
Sports commentary
It’s longer back than that isn’t it? Current cases (assuming you’re testing widely) are related to conditions two weeks ago. I’ve read that people can take up to a month to die after they become seriously ill - so deaths should lag a month to six weeks behind current infection rates. Light from a dying star indeed
Like I said, it is not a rigous estimate, however, you hear the real experts using factors of 8 to scale the current number of confirmed cases to the actual…
That jives with my toy model, ~40,000 cases vs 320,000 estimated for the data and date…
I heard an interview, I forget who, with a real expert, might have been Birx, and I learned what they use as rule of thumb. Incubation period defines the lookback…
Concerted effort to message versus no messaging, you decide…
https:// (remove space after //)
It goes on and on and on and on and on while the MSM and Dems say nothing about the Dem’s House plan, do nothing to promote or defend it and Mitch McConnell’s partisan theatrics to usurp the function of the House as where these bills should be ORIGINATING is treated as legitimate…with people all over the goddamn airways treating the House bill as though it’s some sort of interference with creating legislation to address the pandemic. This is just abysmal and one of the single worst messaging failures we’ve seen them commit in the past decade. And the MSM might as well be co-opted by the GOP at this point, because everyone knows goddamn well they are drooling at the prospect getting a slice of that $500B slush fund.
ETA: And the MSM has pretty much decided Biden no longer exists…unless it’s Glenn Kessler yet again jumping all over him while ignoring all the lies Trump is telling the public about the pandemic…
Hmm … Trump qualifies as an “old person” doesn’t he? … … … i’m doing a cost/benefit analysis. i’ll get back to you when it’s finished.
Dan Patrick qualifies - he’s a grandfather. He goes first.
I am a lawyer and can confirm the reasoning is garbage.
Sniff, if that is directed at me, I’d point out that you could post a bunch of Fox tweets anytime on any subject and make the same argument. I don’t want to fight with you.
p.s lose the auto-start video please.
The loophole that needs to be closed is allowing crimes committed while registered as a candidate to be indictable…
ok. so we do it as a trial. dan patrick can be the first test case.
If it was directed at you, it would have been directed at you.
How do I turn off the auto-play? hmm…I’ll just insert a space in the URL
Shares in Soylent Grey f’sure.
Maybe delete it. You kinda made your point without it.
OK Beamer.
He said we should be willing so he should be. So hell yes. Ted Cruz is calling for more testing and staying home. When Ted Cruz is making sense that the rest of the GOP isn’t making then something is wrong, GOP, you fucking ghouls.
Furthermore these are the people who used Covid to stop all abortions in Texas “for the hospital beds” which is a crock of shit - nobody getting an abortion takes up a bed.
So this 70-year old, social security-receiving, draft-dodging (typical, another pro-defense, ultra conservative parasite; no wonder the U.S. lost the Vietnam war, all the war-mongering neocons, and John Birchy racists conservatives such as Cheney, Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Wolfowitz, Gaffney) thinks the elderly (I am not a member of that cohort) should Covid-19, er, CHINA virus, self-immolate.
But I didn’t hear his plans to get infected. Last I checked, people aged 70 years are considered senior citizens. I sure family members of covid-19-infected seniors would like to squeeze a turkey baster full of virus-infected phlegm down his throat.
Why doesn’t he do the U.S. a favor and barnstorm Trump-strong senior precincts of Texas to spread his message–with Covid-19? Then he can travel to the Villages community and spread his gospel of senior self-sacrifice. He can start with the idiot Trump-voting seniors who believe the pandemic is a hoax or overreaction. If they have to die so their malignant narcissist, criminal, racist, president boosts the stock market and wins reelection, so be it.
Elections are won on the margins,so as long as masses of trump-loving seniors die or are too sick or depressed to pull the lever for drumpf in November 2020 all the better.
Listen to your cult-leader Trump!! Obey FOX Noise!! Buy and ingest Chloroquine!! Ignore your fish and save(??) yourselves!!
Of course, the conservative idiots in Texas—young and old—are now more endeared to LT. Executioner.
Why were they upset over the fake Obamacare death panels? Ohhh, right. N*gger Democrat president. Yes. All was wrong with the world then. . .
Oh yeah, one more thing: That damn Hillary Clinton was WRONG again!! “Basket of DEPLORABLES” was her characterization. Talk about weak sauce understatement.