Texas’ Legislature Advances Sweeping Smorgasbord Of Right-Wing Bills

I always thought it was nutty to hate a whole state.
I’m making an exception for TX. I despise those people.


professional counseling and psychotherapy is a proven alternative that helps children overcome gender dysphoria

Evokes memories of the [Michelle and Marcus] Bachmann & Associates and their religious-based mental health treatment centers where you learned how to “pray away the gay.”


I always thought gentlemen were supposed to remove their hats when indoors? Sooooo, NOT gentlemen???



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Reminds me of what used to happen in a number of Texas high schools with football programs. They would channel a fair number of players to the university systems. So they would allow them to have a 5th year of high school to improve their playing prowess for college ball.
There was an education commission around the time Ann Richards was governor with Ross Perot additionally with wide support from the business community, education and civil rights activists had it quashed.



FL has been emulating TX with deesaintlee at the controls.


Why the heck do Texans believe it’s OK to wear their hats indoors? That pic is hilarious.


The famed Texas football coach Bum Phillips would wear a cowboy hat on the sidelines. Except at the Astrodome. Asked why, he said is mamma said gentlemen do not wear hats indoor.


Has the Supreme Court told the governor and legislature that no matter what laws have been enacted they will uphold them as constitutional?

Several neighbors have made comments about the basketball player who brought weed in Russia and protestors in Portland? His responses were ‘What about mass shootings every day? Crickets.

Another shibboleth, like Confederate flags on bumper stickers.
They’re “good ol’ boys” don’t ya know?

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Yup. That’s how you know they’re just assholes playing cowboy.


And, assuming any sense of self-awareness, themselves.

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Their brains are boiling, hence wearing a hat indoors at a meeting like a rube.

Wot no strawgrass?

If you think Texas sucks, you have clearly never spent any time in either Oklahoma or Texas. Oklahoma is the most openly racist place I’ve ever spent time in, and I’ve lived in Russia, where they point at and openly mock students at Patrice Lumumba University.

2020: Texas R+5.6, Oklahoma R+33.


I have been to both. The metroplex is the strangest place I have ever been in my life.

We’re basically L.A. County. You want strange (but cool), I recommend Austin.

The strange-but-coolness is increasingly getting priced out of Austin, but I’m slightly less cranky about the place just now because the rain has been so good to the yards that honor Lady Bird Johnson’s love of wildflowers. It’s been a really pretty spring. (This is the yard of a smallish, older house. The new McMansion people prefer to fill their yards with black gravel – apparently it’s the ideal backdrop for the hired leafblowers to spot and eradicate evil leaves.)


For about 6 weeks every year, Texas livens up.


If you wear a cowboy hat and you are not at that moment on a horse and “cowboyin’”, then you are a silly poser. Also, every cowboy knows that you take off your hat indoors.