Texas AG Threatens Providers Who Comply With Abortion Court Order

Love the update on the Zieglers … “the power couple from the Superfreak faction of the Florida GOP.” LOL! And now Paxton threatening TX Health Care providers. And no Trump yet. America on tilt!


He’s not as good as Billy Joel!


Graham: The Asshole that ate Capitol Hill.


The only tell is that Santos would never show up for work and Elon is too cheap to hire them.


Whereas they may hear Jesus’ message of tolerance, love, and forgiveness “on Sunday morning for 45 minutes, but then for 4, 5, 6, 10 hours during the week, you’re hearing the exact opposite. And it’s that ratio being so far out of whack that I think is really at the heart

Love, tolerance forgiveness for each other, not so much for those who might disagree.



WASHINGTON, Dec 7 (Reuters) - U.S. job growth accelerated in November and the unemployment rate dropped to 3.7% even as more people entered the labor force, pointing to underlying strength in the labor market.

Nonfarm payrolls increased by 199,000 jobs last month, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) said in its closely watched employment report on Friday. Employment was in part boosted by the return of automobile workers and actors after strikes.


Worth the read!!! Targeted mostly to Republicans, but this is a very good read, nonetheless.

To Defeat The Danger Ahead, We Fight The Fight We’re In

Two former Republicans offer their thoughts on the cult of the Malignant Loser and the stakes involved. Here’s Tom Nichols in ThreadReader:

I know it’s obvious that Trump changes positions on a dime and how it’s mystifying that his cult doesn’t care, but picking all this apart is a fool’s errand. They stick with him because he channels their diffuse anger about their lives at other Americans. But it’s worse now:

After 2016, Trump voters thought they’d really made their point, pushed back change in America, and gained respect by electing a POTUS. All that blew up in their faces: They found out they’re not a majority, and worse, the disdain of their fellow citizens only intensified.

2020 and J6 compounded their sense of humiliation and grievance. The know Trump is making fools of them, but they will never admit it. And Biden winning was like a national slap in the face. So now they’re with him no matter what. They don’t care about policy or positions.

And this time, they’ll support him as he does even more desperate and hideous things. He could call for open borders and free abortions and most of them wouldn’t care. All they care about is that he’s promising to go after people they hate even more now than in 2016.

Talking about how he and Biden “differ on Issues X/Y/Z” is pointless and a distraction. It’s all part of the “normal political horse race” narrative that is blinding people to the danger ahead.

Former Republican ad man with Lincoln Project Reed Galen on Substack:

Donald Trump, he of the would-be coup, the 91 indictments, and willingness to admit he’d be a dictator on “day one” is going to be the Republican nominee for president, again. Despite all the words, deeds, disasters, and death, the GOP can’t quit him, and his opponents have struggled for years to understand how to beat him. It’s simple, really: Attack him. All day, every day. [snip]

During a townhall with Sean Hannity earlier this week, Trump admitted he’d be a dictator if he retakes the White House. He was excited by Robert Kagan’s Washington Post op-ed warning of Trump’s tyrannical tendencies. MAGA goon Kash Patel threatened the media on Steve Bannon’s podcast this week. The men likely to occupy leadership posts in a second Trump term are for mass deportation, a system of organized camps, and unleashing the military on anti-Trump demonstrators as reported by Axios today.

As 2024 dawns on us, remind yourself and your organizations what we’re up against. Yes, we must defeat Donald J. Trump 48 weeks from now. He’s just the beginning. As Speaker Mike Johnson told a crowd in Washington on Tuesday that we are “engaged in a battle between worldviews” and “a great struggle for the future of the Republic.” He believes the White Christian nationalists will win.

If you’re not willing to go after the man who will make this dystopian worldview a reality, what are you willing to fight for? This isn’t about whether you like a certain way of campaigning or not. We fight the fight we’re in, not the one we’re used to. Next year is not a referendum, it’s a choice: America or Trump

We’re about a year out, and primary season is looming. This is the time in a campaign cycle when everyone starts providing their opinion about strategy, messages, etc. Both of these writers are essentially telling us not to waste time on the Malignant Loser’s cultists; they’re a long lost cause. You have to focus instead on your own base and on the distracted/ persuadable voters (how that is a thing these days is boggling, but it’s reality). It’s going to be another close race (again, boggling) and, paraphrasing Galen, if you’re not willing to go after the Malignant Loser and his dystopian worldview, what are you willing to fight for?


Sentences too light for the last 2 Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping conspirators, IMHO


Might be too late by then.


Attorney General Ken Paxton ® issued a statement threatening health care providers who complied with the court order:

Texas was not going down without a fight.


i really don’t know whay business it is of the USA what ISREAL does to protect itself when the ‘fight’ is brought to them. are they supposed to just lay down and be killed or die? anyone of the certain age is quite familiar of this fiasco…the ARABS have been fighting the JEWS since the first European set foot on the land… the USA had no problem with fighting the Japanese after they bombed Pearl Harbour or when the Arabs/Muslims did their thing on 9-11… why is it ok for the USA to retaliate when it is their ox being gored and yet expects/ demands other countries capitulate.is it self- righteousness carried to the extreme.??we do have some interesting discussions at my house.


And they start their church services by chanting “Let’s Go Brandon”.

Reason enough to avoid stepping in a Republican brainwashing center.


Puppy was already fixed.


I have to say, if you’re going to be a rightwing consulting company using a name that might be construed as a racist dog whistle is probably not the best advertisement of your talents. Meeting with Nick Fuentes would be right on brand for that name though.


Ken Paxton is a cruel and evil little man. The women in question will have to leave the state to get an abortion. All those wealthy women who support a women’s right to choose should charter her a jet and pay for everything to save her life and the ability to have children in the future. Although my bet is they are all hat and no cattle.


The case showcases how exceptions to abortion bans are hard to invoke, difficult to navigate, and by the nature of their ambiguity give very little legal cover to doctors and hospitals.

On reading this, my first reaction was Ms Cox should walk straight out of the courtroom and have the abortion before the likes of Paxton could move. I do hope she did so.

In an early reporting, her doctor is actually named, and on seeing Paxton’s reaction, it should have been obvious that the hospital where he practices should also have been protected by the TRO.

The cruelty is the point. Enraged, furious, speechless. Maybe the good news is the attention will fuel voter turnout for 2024.


If Lindsey wanted to seriously tackle immigration he might want to consider the topics of chain migration, birth right and dual citizenship. Just my opinion.


Well at least it wasn’t a drag queen reading a children’s book!


I liked the ending where Alberta says that Vander Plaats of endorses DeSantis because Donnie’s “electability viability”. I wonder how many weeks into “viability” does Vander Plaats have til he can’t abort his support?


Seven delusions plaguing the mind of the Trump base voter | The Hill
1. Deceptive Rationalization

Whatever Trump says or does — no matter the evidence to the contrary — loyal followers normalize, downplay, excuse, and rationalize his behaviors, speech, and legal issues. Indeed, any of dozens of instances of his controversial behavior would have doomed any traditional presidential candidate before June 2015, when he first descended the Trump Tower escalator.

2. Respect for the strong-man image

American masculinity is under attack. Trump appeals to the MAGA mindset by exemplifying the 20th-century fighting persona of great American manhood. To his fans, he is John Wayne or Rocky Balboa, someone who takes no crap and fights to the end.

3. Biden is much worse than Trump

When I discussed Trump’s dictatorial language with Trump-voting friends, one said, “Biden is not an option.” Another remarked, “I’ll take Trump any day over Biden. He is better than what we have now.”

4. Whataboutism

Comparing Trump to Biden and his son Hunter is a favorite MAGA mind game. For every controversial Trump action, there is a Biden equivalent that evens the playing field. Trump and his voters believe Biden has weaponized the government, most notably the Justice Department.

6. Trump represents an America First policy agenda that gets things done.

7. Us-versus-Them mentality

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