Supreme Court Decision May Be Moot As North Carolina Court To Rehear Major Election Case

I’m guessing you meant ‘duds’.

That’s a sweet story, Darrtown. It’s touching how humans, and other animals as well, can show kindness to another species.
Maybe our dog’s fears came from being very short as she was very aggressive when someone leaned over her. Her move into our house was traumatic for her–she barked for two straight weeks during the lessons I taught!

I’ve known dogs that tried to sing. My hound was pretty good at it but she was always off key.

More on our feral kitty… his vet appointments have to be here at home because to load him in a cat carrier and transport him to the vets causes him to scream the entire time he is in the carrier. I hate critter abuse y’understand… so the vet comes here to the house. Even a visit in his accustomed space by our vet causes this cat’s blood pressure to spike. And he is hyperthyroid (the two conditions are related). It takes him a half day to forgive the intrusion into his space. Like I said, he’s not normal.

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Nice post!

Just adding that a guy named Charles Manson made news trying to start a race war in the late-60s.

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wrong again

That is my fear, that the courts are reaffirming the rule of the gerrymandered party, even if in the minority. Then if the opposing party gains the courts, it flips back. And forth. Legal insanity.

(Of course, some Dems on the court may take the “high road” and not flip the flop?)

The traditional way of overruling precedent without having to overrule precedent is to find the thing you want embedded in a different part of the text. The one thing Justice Thomas and I agree on is that it’s about time to revisit the Privileges or Immunities clause of the 14th Amendment. The Supreme Court gutted that obvious source of individual liberties in 1873.

A self fulfilling prophecy

dogs- sofas


Oh yeah? Well I knew a hound who knew how to relax…


Man! Have you ever been to Hickory? High Point? Stanley? Wadesboro? The whole central part of the State feeds on Fauxnooz.

I live in Virginia Foxx’s district. I am not unfamiliar with the extreme conservatism of culturally rural white people in NC. But acres, towns and counties don’t vote. People do. The electorate is purple. It’s a shade of purple a bit on the red side, but the place was deep red until 2008 and now it isn’t.

The problem is that we’re stuck there due to a combination of demographics and legislative fuckery by the Tea Party wave Republicans.