Supreme Court Decision May Be Moot As North Carolina Court To Rehear Major Election Case

That’s more like making up the law, which appellate courts get a lot of discretion to do. I’m talking about the Court’s propensity to base its decisions on facts that aren’t even in the record of the case before them, which is the jurisprudence of punditry.


The “conservative” majority on the Supreme Court apparently wishes mostly to ignore the 14th Amendment rather than apply it to cases that come before them.

It’s cafeteria conservatism – cite the 14th for the things you want and ignore it for everything else.


“These people would be absurd if they didn’t have such easy access to high powered weaponry.” Sparrowhawk.

Yep. But they do and some of them seem to be willing to use it and a lot of them have John Brown’s sense of righteous zeal. By the way John Brown brings to mind the American Civil War which was a clash between two sets of elites–one of which thought the other was threatening their financial interest in owning slaves. Of course, it was fought by working people north and south. Poor people don’t start race or civil wars. Self-important entitled people do.

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No rePort on next weeK’s heaRing? LibtarDs will roo thE daY thEy weaponized goverNment wheN this straight shOOting staR paNel testifies.


Newer technology and growing global trade routes were undermining the cotton trade in the South without the intervention of the North. It was becoming increasingly uneconomical, but their entire economy was built on it, so they were “pot committed” to the strategy and unwilling to accept the reality that slave labor was failing to remain profitable. The only way it was going to continue to “work” was to expand it as far as they could in new US territories, which the North was committed to preventing.

There were slave revolts that were invariably put down violently, but I don’t think there’s ever really been a race war, certainly not in the history of this country. I guess I don’t know about the Boers in South Africa. That conflict might count, but there’s no historical precedent for the term; it just gets bandied about by white supremacists to try to drum up support for their pathetic, narcissistic world view.

How did the Aussies get dragged into this?

Get the spelling right, Eustace - it’s not roo, it’s roux.


Don’t forget the football coach fired for privately praying who wasn’t fired and who refused to pray in the private space the district made available and who, when the SCOTUS ordered him to get his job back, wouldn’t take it.


Roberts started his career in Ronald Reagan’s DOJ devising ways to disenfranchise POC. That has been his life’s project. On SCOTUS, he has empowered the wealthy and corporations while systematically, albeit incrementally, whittling away at the rights of the poor, workers and POC. Just because he’s not as in-your-face as the rest of the right wingers doesn’t make him any less committed to the project.


Yep, another classic of the recent genre.


Where FL and the rest of this country is headed…


You can find the remains of that race war in various so-called “reservations”.


Doo roo tu tu doo doo ru

  • NU’EST W - Dejavu

It’s local to me and it enraged me because the SCOTUS overlooked the religious freedom rights of the students (who were clearly pressured to pray publicly with the coach- an employee of the state who had clear opportunities to retaliate against students who declined to participate) in order to make up a Christian persecution narrative for the coach.


What about Reconstruction and Jim Crow? During Reconstruction Grant had to send troops, lots of troops, to the south to confront white southerners who engaged in a race war. And what about the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921. One of my dear white friends was a freedom rider in the 1960s. He was proud of fighting racism to his dying day. In those days white and black civil rights workers took their lives in their hands. Saying white supremacists haven’t engaged in a race war in this country for the better part of a century and a half reflects the successful ignorance promulgated by southern historians, film makers, propagandists and politicians.

War implies both sides are fighting, and there’s not much evidence of that on both sides during Jim Crow and the Tulsa massacre. The French and Indian War and the wars of extermination of the native American populations do probably count more than any conflict between white and black people in this country.

My point is that it’s not a war. It’s very one-sided who wants to be fighting and killing.

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My dad was lit on fire in Austin in the late 50s. My mom told me he just took off his coat and watched it burn. He never mentioned that incident to me.

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No. You seem to define a race war as a war being waged against a majority by a minority. That is wrong. In the case of America the race wars are committed by the majority against minorities. People still die on both sides but more minorities die.

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No, I’m defining it by intent and actions. I never said anything about the relative sizes of the groups involved. A “race war,” as the white supremacists want to use it, basically justifies their actions by saying the blacks are complicit in the desire to fight, despite there being no supporting evidence for anything of the kind.

Race war is their terminology, and I think it’s bad to legitimize their language which skews perceptions of the nature of the conflict. There’s no widespread desire by black or brown people (or white people for that matter) to fight each other. Most just want to be left alone to live their lives. In the past, majorities of whites terrorized people of color to cement their dominance, but that doesn’t imply to me that it is a “war.” It’s just terrorism and misuse of authority to beat the objects of their animus into submission.