Supreme Court Decision May Be Moot As North Carolina Court To Rehear Major Election Case

The newly Republican-dominated North Carolina Supreme Court will rehear a major redistricting case at the heart of one of the biggest Supreme Court decisions expected this year. 

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First! Let me search for a photo.

Found one, but I just don’t know how to post it. It’s our now-deceased dog. We took her in 10 years ago from an elderly couple who were moving into assisted living. Not a single member of their families would take in this dog, so we did. It was not a great thing–she was a fear biter who was afraid of everything and everyone. It didn’t help that I teach piano lessons at home, having about 15-20 people coming into my house every week. I had to keep her closed up in another room like a crazy uncle in the attic.


Good on you for giving her a home!


Republican judges making the case for the exercise of raw political power by the judiciary. Okey doke, don’t think that’s likely to work out for them in the long term.


The Republican way is if you can’t win fair and square, CHEAT. A lot of times Republicans don’t even try to win fair and square–cheating is a lot easier.


Why should people vote when it’s not going to be the ultimate decision? Of all the reasons most people who don’t vote, the most common is because it doesn’t matter in the end. I think they might be right if this kind of shenanigans prevails. Disgusting!


The legal issues are the same; the evidence is the same; and the controlling law is the same,” writes Justice Anita Earls…“I write to make clear that the emperor has no clothes.”

His Imperial Highness has been running around nude ever since Gingrich stripped him naked, burned his clothes, and shoved his bare butt into the middle of a crowded street.

(And too much of America’s press corpse [sic] still just nods approvingly, and writes glowing columns about his stunning set of imperial duds.)


Why do you say this?


If I were a GOP anti-Democrat anti-democrat, I’d be putting my chips on this crazy anti-Constitutional strategy. Sure, it would require zealotry to trump jurisprudence, but have you read any of the anti-gun control decisions? And the payoff would be immediate—the Kochs have already honed a methods of capturing the state legislature, and basically you’d control elections through the states in a way that would make extreme partisan gerrymanders look like a relatively benign gateway drug.


Should we expect any change in the maps in NC? I ask this because we’re working on changing the composition of the court in Wisconsin. If this falls through here, I have to wonder if the election in April in Wisconsin will make a difference (for those not in the know, we’re electing a new SC justice which could change the strongly conservative balance of the court - the fear is, not enough voters will turn out in the primary in Feb. to get progressive candidates on the ballot for April)


All these gambits have a mountain of money behind them. Citizen’s United not only threw open the doors for a wave of white trash in congress, but it bankrolled every inch of this bullshit.


What hasn’t worked out for them in the long run?


Don’t believe everything you think.

That people didn’t vote – nationally in 2016, statewide in Florida just last year, and on so many other levels – is exactly why we’re here today.

A spray-tanned, racoon-eyed little Anthony Fremont in a rainbow-fright wig appointed three justices – three! – to lifetime appointments on the US Supreme Court…because people didn’t vote.

A fascist who’s banning books and appointing sex-with-demons-and-alien-sperm enthusiasts to state medical boards is now poised for the GOP presidential ticket…because people didn’t vote.

People not voting isn’t a response: It’s. The. Cause.



On the nose comment.

Nor will this work out well for the rest of us. How do our obsolete archaic governing structures, already under serious strain, withstand the crush of federal and state-level judicial benches wholly in thrall to Christian nationalist ideology? When does the critical mass of bad judicial behavior accrue to break the camel’s back? And are the miscreant judges in our midst even aware of the existential crisis they are creating in real time? Separate question: do they even care?


Because they are, objectively speaking, establishing precedent that says it’s okay for judges to disregard the precedential value of case law. When your ruling is that stare decisis can fuck off and die, your ruling can be readily discarded when your voters have fucked off and died.


Demographics, mostly.


Much the same way that carbon turns into a diamond: Unrelenting pressure.

Well, that and Republican voters dying at a rapid demographic pace.


The alternative is something worse.

This timeline is fixable, but only if Americans give a damn.


Apathy is unacceptable.

That’s what non-voting is, in too many cases.


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