Originally published at: Supreme Court Allows Virginia Plan To Purge Supposed Non-Citizens To Go Forward
In a win for Republicans trying to perpetuate the non-citizen voting myth, the Supreme Court on Wednesday allowed a voter purge program in Virginia to remain in place only days before the presidential election. The justices blocked a lower court ruling that found the purge program was in direct violation of the National Voter Registration…
“The” Supreme Court didn’t do this. The corrupt Republicans did it. Any more questions? They’re all in on Dump and rule by any means.
And so the SCOTUS reign of error creaks into early life to foster the chaos they hope will bring their rough beast to Bethlehem. At least we know we can’t count on them at all, ever.
They know Trump is losing. This gives them this opportunity to put some small part of their thumbs on the scale, so they seized it.
Mitigating this: Virginia has same day registration. People wrongly off the rolls can still re-register and vote (with the proper supporting documentation).
Those fuckers are very high on their own stash, they need a pitchfork wielding mob marching their way to bring them back to earth.
A terror cell’s work is never done.
This is the best argument that the Supreme Court is utterly partisan and corrupt. Less than a week to the election but the utterly partisan court does Republican bidding.
Hate to say it but I now see no reason to believe the GOP SCOTUS gang won’t hand the election to Trump on the most transparently thin pretext imaginable.
Harris is going to have to sweep all 7 battle ground states or the supreme court will find a way to install Trump. What is the old saying about a woman having to do all the same moves except backwards and in heels.
Things are getting desperate. The GOP internal polling must be absolutely horrendous.
Just another reason to VOTE VOTE
We need all 3 branches to reign in those mother fuckers!
Why should Harris sweeping all 7 swing states stop them? Seriously. They appear to be 100% all in.
Our scotus is bought and paid for, and they seem rather proud of their brazen corruption. Gratuities on the way.
Came here to say the exact same thing. This court is malignant.
R@tf@ckers. In robes, no less.
Ok, but the Virginia GOOP could very easily have done this 3 months ago, if (ha ha ha ha) they had legitimate concerns about the issue. They did it 5 days before the election because they knew it would do maximum damage. And the SCOTUS gangsters approved it. They appear to believe there is nothing they can do that will be too outrageous.
We just need two branches to reign in the corrupt third as the GOP tumor has now spread to 66.66% of the SCOTUS body.
Catastrophizing in circumstances like this is natural, but unhelpful. These are shameless, loathsome partisans who deserve the same degree of contempt that Lincoln gave Taney. The Harris campaign is well staffed with lawyers, the Trump campaign is a shambolic mess, and Biden has nothing left to lose and no fucks left to give.