Stone ‘Will Do Anything Necessary’ To Reelect Trump After Get-Out-Of-Prison Card | Talking Points Memo

If you are working for Trump Is not even illegal even if you do get caught. And even if it is there would be no consequences.

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Sadly, Roger is a resident of FL, and was tried and convicted on a federal indictment. So NY will have no say in his voting rights.


Trust me - he doesn’t care about any of that. He’s a sociopath who’s just literally been given a get out of jail free card. And now, he will run rampant for the foreseeable future and trample what’s left of the system with no repercussions.




If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.


I will do anything necessary to elect my candidate, short of breaking the law,” Stone said.

Does getting run over with a fully loaded dump truck count?
especially one that puts it in reverse to check on what he just drove over.


Corrupt. Quid. Pro. Quo.


I will do anything necessary to elect my candidate, short of breaking the law,” Stone said.


Oh, for eff’s sake. Just shoot him.


Perfect comment. I can only add that Stone is far less of a story than Trump descending into madness more and more each day.

How he manages to con people into believing that he is, somehow, in a better position than even last month is an artifact of the political craft of messaging.

When I look at these stories and what they depict, I see a bright future for the United States and the Planet.

Finally, Trump being German**, I have an idea that, since Trump tries to project “strength”, what will happen to him in the coming months will be…a particular day when Trump is attempting to do what he always does…and then a couple of days when the Game is Over for him, as the country cannot continue with him at the Helm.

** In WWI, late 1918, the Germans for millions were seemingly capable of continuing the War. Then, “suddenly”, the War Stopped. For historians, the “suddenness” was not really sudden…but for those millions, it was.


Stone will break the law again for the same reason as Trump: it is his nature.

Bog willing, it will, finally, put them both in the stocks for the rest of their lives.


That’s it - pillory the lot of them, and send them on a national tour. Locals can provide the rotten fruit.


Oh my seems as if Stone may not be totally out of the woods wrt prosecution. Hmmm

Interesting article by two respected New York criminal law practitioners – one a leader of the defense bar and the other a former ADA – about a potential legal angle for New York state-level prosecutors to charge Roger Stone.

— Elie Honig (@eliehonig) July 13, 2020

My first thought was over the Central Park 5. Justice? Mercy? Doesn’t he still think they should be executed despite being innocent?

His deep empathy for the Central Park Jogger proves my case.

And if they run out I’ll gladly send 'em a box full

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Stone ‘Will Do Anything Necessary’ To Reelect Trump

alternate headline:

Man Who Has Been Despised By All Who Knew Him Will Waste Time in the Coming Months


Because he empathizes with the victims of sexual assault?

Allow me to familiarize you with the concept of sarcasm.

In the absence of social cues it’s kind of hard to spot.
And in return I’ll familiarize you with the concept of the Internet troll.

All snark aside, thanks for clarifying. I hoped it was sarcasm, but as I said short of other cues, it’s hard to spot.

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