This article was originally published on ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox.
It’s like gun control. States with sensible restrictions on firearms are at the mercy of places like Texas or Alabammy, where some creep can go fill up the trunk of their car with weapons they picked up at the Wal-mart on their lunch break and sell them to criminals in the sensible states.
Governor Little is a spineless lickspittle frightened of Idaho’s vociferous militia movement spearheaded by Ammon Bundy, a man who should be in jail as we speak. Ada County (home of Boise), where we have had a mask mandate since July, is dealing with the the overflow patients from counties where there are no mask mandates. And then there are the Trump supporters who are literally protesting these safety precautions in front of the homes of local officials.
This is the biggest problem with ignoring masks and violating social distancing rules; those idiots will infect others who are trying to stay healthy. This will be the legacy of 45; allowing a pandemic to flourish when this country could have done so much better.
You mean that States with insane gun laws like California put their citizens at risk by infringing on their 2nd Amendment Rights, leaving them at the mercy of criminals who weren’t going to follow the laws anyways.
A lack of such consistency is affecting eastern Washington, which appears to be absorbing some of the costs — both human and economic — of Idaho’s more laissez-faire approach to the virus.
I am a Washingtonian. And this makes me absolutely apoplectic!
Laws crafted by saint Reagan’s administration
Sacramento got real nervous real quick when the Black Panther Party
began exercising their 2nd amendment right to open carry.
See page 4 from the Chicago PD on where recovered guns are coming from. 7 of the top 10 are in Illinois, only 3 in Indiana.
And BTW, since we have data like that, one has to wonder why they aren’t just shutting down those FFLs which are having lots of guns end up in crimes…