Sound And Fury: Moderate Dems Slowroll Infrastructure Package In Staredown With Pelosi | Talking Points Memo

I listened to a BBC report last night about the situation at the Kabul airport, also touching on environs immediately outside the cordon. Their correspondent was right there, on the ground. You could hear the cacophony of sounds around her as she described what can best be termed utter chaos, agony, tragedy and sadness. With a good deal of physical misery and dangerously unsanitary conditions brought on by heat, lack of food and water, lack of rest room facilities, and overcrowding almost beyond description. Whatever sense of order, organization and hope this administration is trying to push off on the public is bullshit based on what I listened to.


I can’t understand why TPM is calling the 9 moderates. They are conservative Dems. The actual moderates are on board with Pelosi’s plan.


So a money-losing gun-themed cash business with a cargo plane. Shouldn’t we just assume drug trafficking and money laundering? Or I suppose it could be arms trafficking and money laundering…


Cargo plane ? … maybe if the “cargo” was cargo headed to Cheech & Chong


That’s interesting. She’s too stupid to commit complex financial crimes, but still smart enough to represent in Congress not just the people of Parachute, but Aspen, a playground for the rich and super-rich. Such financial incompetence would not sit well if it attracted attention to them.


Not to worry, Alex Jones doesn’t really think Trump is a dumbass so you’re safe. This is all about money. Jones sells health supplements in his Infowars Store and promotes them heavily on his show. I don’t know if he’s ever actually said his products will keep you from getting Covid, but the promotion dances around it with statements like they’ll protect you from “toxins in the air.” So of course he doesn’t want Trump saying the vaccine works. Its a direct hit on his income.


That Sandy Hook lawsuit against him is going forward, isn’t it? What’s the hold up?


That’s the thing about the transactional nature of this particular version of conservatism: Loyalty, never mind intellectual consistency, is not a Thing. It’s a Janet Jackson song:


I wish they wouldn’t keep calling it a cargo plane. It’s a tiny little light utility plane with only two seats. You might get one carry-on piece of luggage in the back, and it had better not be very heavy.


Of course the moderates are still pushing against Pelosi - they are being encouraged by Manchin as that lets him off the hook for the reconciliation. In fact Sinema announced that she won’t vote for it at all - despite the previous agreement and her shit eating grin as she stood there when the bipartisan bill agreement was announced.

She brought this up on July 28 and was back at it again.


I read on Twitter yesterday that the arm-twisting has begun in earnest back in the cloakroom. Expect to see their arms looking like #9 screws by October, if not before.


Love the way they say he was “elected to end the pandemic.” Kinda think it was more to get rid of a buffoon who wasn’t even trying.


Somebody is coaching her on how to play fast & loose … but she is truly an idiot and is oblivious to the fact that the “coach” seems to be very sloppy & careless …(to which the coach would say - so what … it ain’t my ass that will end up in jail it will be this air-head twit)
She does not know how to clean up after herself … and those using her … can’t be bothered - they will tire of her the instant she becomes a liability.


Blood diamonds, various psychotropic substances, high-value metals, CEOs on the run, bearer bonds. On the other hand, it would have to have a market, so probably good old cocaine. Pot is a non-issue in Colorado.


I am so tired of Dems shooting themselves in the foot… pass the infrastructure bill and move on. People forgetting the words of HHH (mr progressive) , “it is better to get bread than hold out for butter and get neither” is very very discouraging.


I think a few of them could be persuaded by changing the SALT deduction.


Yep …too bulky… and too readily available …

And with talk like this he puts Blunt and especially Hawley to shame.

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anyone who has read any history about the afghans[arabs ?] would not be surprised by this…ARABS have always been superb negotiators when it comes to money/currency…they were doing this before the USA even existed.

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Spot on. It’s too bad it doesn’t have exposure in a nationwide source because there is a sad lack of reporting on this truth.