Clear out Guantanamo and put them all there?
I was thinking cold, old bones and cold don’t do well together.
They can even get away with it right
I wouldn’t count on it happening. I think he knows well how to make things happen within the realm of plausible deniability. Plus there’s always pardon season, kind of a tradition with billybarr and lame duck presidencies.
There’s a carribean island newly unoccupied…
What would greenland charge for storage?
To be fair to Sidney Powell, Tom Hagen was a fairly successful role model.
Or build a new prison in Puerto Rico. They could use the money and jobs. I’m sure Trump and his pals won’t mind if the a/c is out 18 hours out of every 24 and there isn’t always electricity.
With this Bunch, the sky’s the limit. Even something from a Mario Puzo novel.
Federal judges are not so easily intimidated. And this one certainly is not.
“Complete with pool, chef’s kitchen, and a sex dungeon.”
If sullivan were kompromattable it would have already happened and we wouldn’t be here.
Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. That would not look good for the dotard as he puts the traitorous bastard back on his staff.
Can we just use Coulter’s head? Just as frightening as an actual horse.
“Looks good” matters to this cross between the 3 Stooges and the Gotti family?!
More frightening when you leave the head attached to a living, talking body.
Barr got in the way. Or his ego did anyway. The man thinks he has more power to corrupt the DOJ and the judicial system in general than he actually does.