Sondland Carried Out Secret Ukraine Dealings On Trump’s Orders, WH Official Testified

Yes. And among the other charges are lying to Congress. Its jailable, Gordie.


Maybe they’re soul mates in Ayn. Two of their businesses are named Galt and Atlas.


It would be very cool if she became President and could inform AG Barr that he is surplus to requirements.


A strong possibility. The GOPutzes see a twofer on their radar. A woman! A woman of colour!
They might see this as a life preserver if Trumpf survives to run again.

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I haven’t read down this entire thread yet, but so far I’m not seeing any discussion of the possibility that Sondland takes five and the Dems respond by voting to grant him immunity. Is there any reason they couldn’t do that? Any reason they wouldn’t, given that the first imperative is to get the man out of office, and if the Senate won’t convict their next-best shot at that is to convince 271 electoral votes’ worth of voters that he’s corrupt?

As a Canadian, I find it odd that states can set their own parameters even in a federal election. In Canada, a fed election is under fed authority so paper ballots and pencils are used coast2coast. One standard, one set of rules. Provincial authorities have absolutely nothing to do with federal elections so no hackable computerized voting machines, one set of rules for counting ballots or rejecting ballots (no hanging chad crap) and no Paula Hawkins-types from the states/provinces to get their grubby hands in the process. Its low-tech but it works.


BP/ICE should have authority in the customs house at the border but not beyond it. This image is looking north from Mexico toward the DeConcini Port of Entry in Nogales:


It is a pic from several years ago before all the present madness. This is a common angle to get this sort of picture.


One problem with the Brit election…loathsome and unpopular as Boris is, Corbyn polls behind him. Boris Trumpson may well win the election and have the mandate to take the UK out. Bad for the EU, not great form NATO. Good for Vlad though.


O yes, the choices were bad.

@rhs1963 - it’s in the constitution so it’s how our government was set up.

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Why the hell doesn’t the Labour Party put someone else in charge who isn’t as unpopular? If a Labour candidate can’t win now, they’re hopeless.

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Yes, unfortunately. My hope is that good, dedicated people will overcome constitutional speed bumps.

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Here in AZ we use paper ballots for voting, No machines that I am aware of yet. Of course you Canadians, @rhs1963, are quite sensible about elections and the security thereof. We Americans, obviously, are not. To our detriment. And we have such nonsense as the Electoral College rather than a straight up popular vote tally. In the early 1800’s the EC may have made some sense. I don’t think it does now.

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I agree but parties elect leaders not the people as a whole and it requires a lot of huffing and puffing to get rid of a poor leader unless he loses an election badly. Corbyn could well be whizzed if he loses what should be a sure thing (to us maybe). Burt that would still leave Trumpson in power.


Trump is already wearing 2.5" lifts to appear taller (and pass his physical without being declared morbidly obese). Maybe that’s what the emergency visit to Walter Reed was about: he was trying out his new 3.5" lifts to pass his next physical and got a nose bleed.


We have our own anomaly similar in a way to the Electoral College. In the Brit parliamentary system we do not vote directly for a prime Minister. He is elected as a Member of Parliament in his own district/constituency so a bozo (like Boris Johnson) can become PM by virtue of being party leader. We saw this happen when Theresa May quit and the Con party membership chose BoJo as leader. He automatically became PM because he was leader of the governing party. In effect, about 40 thousand members of the Con party chose the PM of the whole country without a general election. Similar to Trumpf getting the job by taking three staes by a combined 70 thousand or so. But its the way the systems are set up and hard to change.


That, or the lifts messed with the bonespurs.


Um, bone spurious. :wink:

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As someone here so eloquently replied: “I hope it’s not trivial.”


OK, anybody that’s still here-a question for you.

Gym Jordan and devan Nunes have both accused the Dems of lselectvely” leaking transcripts. I know they’re lying-the sun is still rising in the east-but does anyone know what they’re framing that around?

Trump’s nicknames don’t need to be clever or even necessarily insulting. They just need to be repeated over and over again until his base catches on that they should be calling someone by some name.

“Teetering Tim” comes to mind as an obvious alliteration-based name for a tall “Tim”. I mean, come on, it doesn’t really take a stable genius to come up with these.

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