Some GOPers Don’t Even Want To Weigh In On The Merits Of House’s Case | Talking Points Memo

He claims to have zero symptoms. So, umm, how the fuck does he know there’s a problem? Just happened to have a chest scan, and, lo and behold there it is? Bullshit! The fat, obnoxious ass can’t not lie. But, hey, Rushbo, now you can get all the happy pills you want with a valid prescription.


That ended on the day McConnell said he wouldn’t be scheduling hearings for Merrick Garland. After that it was a short ride to authoritarianism.


If it’s anyone, my bet is Manchin. Don’t know about Peters, but Sinema and Jones are freshman and Schumer could prevent them from getting plum committee assignments. All would become pariahs. AZ is now purple. She’s a disappointment to all the Democrats I know here, and we do not forget in 2024.


Chances are good he had other symptoms including a collapsed lung, a sure sign of disease.

They’ll breathe a sigh of relief and think, “Boy I’m glad it’s not me!” like the poncy little cowards they are.


" Actually, the first “next crisis” has already arrived. The New York Times reported Friday that, in his forthcoming book, former National Security Adviser John Bolton writes that Trump first tried to put the squeeze on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in early May 2019—and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone was a witness in the very room where the plot was hatched. Even as Cipollone argued on the president’s behalf that witnesses were unnecessary, he was plausibly alleged to be a crucial fact witness by another fact witness."


These and other turncoats haven’t realized their constituents will remember. But trumPP’s not going to reward them, and Schumer will punish them. It’s a perfect storm


Thanks for that. MSNBC talkers were speculating that at the very least Cipollone could be disbarred from the state bar association he belongs to. I always appreciate Frum’s take on R politics. He’s the rare R who’s honest about what his party has turned into and takes a dim view of what it’s become and also believes PP’s vulnerable to legal proceeding in at least NY post-presidency. So, let’s be sure to make that happen.


Murkowski won’t convict.

It’s over. These cowards will live in the annals of infamy.


Reasonable compromise (especially from Manchin), but doubtful that even Lamar Alexander or Murkowski will vote for this.

GOP senators are clinging to Dershowitz’ framework as a way to dismiss Trump’s conduct

We were arguing this in the house just tonight. When did Dershowitz suddenly become an all-knowing Constitutional Scholar? The guy is a high brow celebrity ambulance chaser .

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Senator Murky wants Fed money to fund drilling in ANWR.


Romney is from Utah and is safe and does not come up for reelection until 2024. The one who is in the most trouble is Bolton. He needs a TV interview and a subpoena stat. I am not sure what he can pin on Schiff or Nadler. He’s been attacking Schiff throughout the entire impeachment. Nadler’s wife has cancer and Trump’s cruelty is well known but this could backfire big time on Trump. Nadler is dealing with a family crisis would get blow back from tons of people.


Yup. She’s tied at the hip to Trump.


If he carries through on something like this and the GOP allows it, then the American Experiment is truly over.

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trumPP’s animosity towards Nadler goes back to the Eighties when trumPP was pedaling real estate deals in NY and Nadler as a state legislator was quashing them.


I really don’t care do you? - ancient chinese proverb

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What’s wrong with someone on the far left??
#1 Most people in this country are not on the far left.
#2 We don’t need another extreme ideology following the current nut bin.
#3 Can anyone imagine Sanders actually running the country? We have a person as
POTUS now who yells at everyone. That is going so well we need another one??
#4 Sanders has been pretty ineffectual in all his years in Congress so why does anyone
think he would be a great POTUS?


The sadness washes over me to think about that. It is true though. Power is all Mitch and his caucus want. They care nothing about our country and have sold out to a con man.


All things come to an end. And the sad part is that 239 years is not a particularly good run. I would have hoped for more. Much more!

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And Donald Trump is just the scum bag to kick a man when he is down. I am not thinking good thought right now.

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