Some GOPers Don’t Even Want To Weigh In On The Merits Of House’s Case | Talking Points Memo

I’m torn. On the one hand he is a revolting piece of hypocritical dog sh*t who abandoned whatever principles he had (if any) to help elect Don the Con:

It’s no wonder that Limbaugh likes Trump. The talk-radio host also got fantastically rich selling ego, bombast, and brazenness to the masses, elitist taste makers be damned.

On the other hand as a liberal I do not wish anyone to suffer. Tough call.


Ouch! Let’s just say I’m trying to be measured in my response to the news of El Rushbo’s misfortune.

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Why, he never was.

Look at it this way - he expects us to be nasty about it. I like going against his expectations.

We need to pick out a banishment island for Bannon. I bet we could make the case that he forfeited his 1A rights by in essence screaming fire in crowed theater.

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Personally, I would never wish non-metastatic cancer on Rush Limbaugh.

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More like Alex Jones has already sent a Harry and David Supreme Meat gift basket to Limbaugh’s producer.


Unfortunately such things usually happen only in the movies…maybe?

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On the other hand, I’d pay $100 extra for a flight that let cats on board and allowed out of the carrier.


The way I see it, the facts speak for themselves. There is something genuinely karmic about his disease. He knows his days are numbered and that he’ll have a painful death. Nothing we can say to abuse him or gloat over his fate will hurt him worse than what he’ll be going through. The high road is the better one here. Pretend he doesn’t exist as he dies. For someone like him, being ignored is worse than being scorned.


Teacher should draw a circle on the blackboard and make them stand there with their face to it.

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On the other hand, I’ve been bragging about how poor we are for years, and Karma hasn’t sent me a million dollars to teach me a lesson.

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Pray tell us Senator Castrato, what is impeachable then?


O I agree with that too. No point as you said - the cancer will do it all.

Now the next thing you do is impeach him on something ELSE, like emoluments.


I was about to post, “He’s still alive?” but it doesn’t look like for much longer.

He would consider retirement a defeat, I think. His ego won’t allow it.

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Like Josh wrote in his piece today – The Republican party was already like this. It started in the Gingrich - Tom Delay era. Pushed on by opportunists like Limbaugh and the lesser talk radio lights. The center tried to hold but as the resentment in the base rose to the surface, the center became too out of touch and the Tea Party/Freedom Caucus happened. The Id of the Republican party had taken over.

As Individual 1 was campaigning, I kept saying that all he’s doing is perfectly channeling and expressing the Id of the Republican Party and he won’t be stopped. So now they’re all just craven shells beholden to the monster they let loose.


As I posted in the trial live blog…
It’s not a trial without witnesses or evidence and the goobers would not even allow the evidence backing the Articles of Impeachment.
It was wrong, disturbing and it stinks. And it cannot be called fair by any understanding I have of that word.
Nevertheless the House members showed there was extortion, bribery, a qui pro quo and an attempt to involve a foreign nation in our election process. These things taken together should have been enough for any fair minded person to come to the conclusion that trump committed crimes and behaved in ways that are sufficient reasons to vote to convict and therefore be removed from office. But somehow republican senators seem to be stuck in a mind set where they are forced to kow tow to trump. Self preservation in office outweighs the needs of the nation. The damage has been done. The Senate is now not the world’s greatest deliberative body, it is a joke. They have given over to the Executive Branch what used to be jealously guarded… power. In doing so the GOP rightfully lost self respect. They may not know it now but they will in days to come.

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Three dsys ago I sent emails to my two state senators Kyrsten Sinema, a democrat and Martha McSally, a republican. Today I got an answer to my email from Senator Sinema. A very nice email it was I must say as it outlined things concerning impeachment that she is considering. But written for someone of less understanding than myself as I’m kind of a political nerd. But nevertheless it was a personal answer and I appreciate that. As for Senator McSally … if past communications when she was in the House are any indication I might get a reply in April or May. If I get anything at all. There is the fact that I took her to task for her insult to Manu Raju of msnbc calling him a liberal hack. So I may get no answer at all from her.

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