The earliest protests over George Floyd’s killing at the hands of the police, starting in Minneapolis and quickly rippling out to big cities across the country, started about a month ago.
I bounced around the outside edges of the Mpls protests, peaceful and otherwise as well as the daily cleanup that was done each following day, What I saw was …Outside, People moving, breezy days and a quite high % of mask wearers. On top of MN having Covid largely contained so far. I’m not surprised MN didn’t see a big rise. From my anecdotal viewpoint the conditions were very bad for spreading day or night.
Why is this so damned hard to figure TPM??
Air circulation while outside lowers the probability. Attending a rally in an enclosed arena with recirculated air and close packed bodies… you get the drift? There will be sickness from the demonstrations but the likelihood at a 3 to 4 hour rally is much higher.
I wear a mask when out and about. It isn’t a big deal or a political statement. I’m an old guy who does not wanna get sick. Covid or the flu … take your pick. I am happy to be at home also. I am not bored. Not yet anyway.
I was surprised to see that there wasn’t any mention of the age of the protestors being a factor in the lower than expected infections. At least in my area, the age of the protestors appeared to be younger than the general population.
To be sure. However, there hasn’t been much of an increase east of the mountains outside of Yakima, Benton and Franklin Counties. Spokane, the second most populous country in the state, still has had less than 1,025 cases.
Winter for us in AZ isn’t snow and ice. Rather we try to avoid 108 degree days (like today) by being inside (bless my AC unit!!).
Just check the forecast… gonna b e 110 tomorrow which means outside stuff (dog walk, poking around in my “garden” hasta be done by 9:00am cuz otherwise it’s roasting is the order if the day. Some will say " it’s a dry heat". To that I say… “go stand on my porch for an hour. Then talk to me about dry heat”.