Singer Lil Nas Won’t Collaborate With Mayor Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has built a surprisingly large coalition in his bid for the 2020 Democratic nomination.

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Clickbait headline
WTF is wrong with the media?


Although it does display how bizarro political campaigns have become.


TPM’s Pick-Your-Topic for our next Article:

  1. The T-Mobile/Sprint merger was approved by DOJ (after T-Mobile execs all stayed at the Trump hotel) today.

  2. Trump’s threatening France with tariffs.

  3. The nominee for the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is accused of sexual assault by another officer, both were interviewed this week by Senate committees, and there’s a writeup in today’s times.

  4. Some no-name rapper singer that precisely zero three people who read TPM have heard of had a total non-story of not wanting to appear to endorse a candidate at this point (last I checked, for an endorsement to mean anything, the endorser themselves is supposed to have some status…)…


I like his song…didn’t know his name.

Is he a rapper?

Sounds like country music

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Never heard of him. Doesn’t sound like a stage name for a country singer?


It must be routine in every campaign, every year, to have plans that don’t pan out, hopes for talent to appear in some capacity that doesn’t happen for any number of reasons, desirable venues that aren’t available, etc. Reporting on any of those is, indeed, NOT news. If a person, or city, or company refuses whatever the campaign requests for the reason that they don’t like, don’t want, and won’t have that candidate, that would be something to talk about.

Our media are broken.


I know & there was “conflict” about him being on country music chart.
Billy Ray Cyrus defended his inclusion on country charts.
I could be mistaken but this is his first hit. Pretty much was YouTube before.

ICAM about this being nonTPM news!
Totally agree…click bait.

I wanted to see more on election integrity & GOP opposition as well as the assault charges.
Had to read much of that elsewhere.


It’s a crossover thing, like Run-DMC and Aerosmith years ago. I heard about it for some reason, checked it out, was left cold. Tell you one thing though, Plucky was all kinds of right about this, black voters are not at all interested in Buttigieg. And they love Biden, he’s miles in front.


Yep. I think it was the Buttigieg link as to reason he was subject.

Everybody wants that coveted Lil Nas X endorsement. Billy Ray Cyrus’ too.


Yep! @tiowally. That song is a hit!
Serious crossover. @castor_troy


He’s again threatening them with tariffs.


Definitely not my thing.


Can’t nobody tell Mr. X nothin’.


Never heard of him.

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Because you don’t know his name–Lil Nas X–doesn’t mean he’s no-name. He’s unique and important in pop culture in many ways, not the least that he’s a black gay performer who just came out last month and has challenged the stereotypes of exactly what country and western music is. He’s broken several industry records, including having the number one song in the country for the longest period of time.

He stands as a symbol of changing times and has a HUGE crossover appeal, something that any savvy politician would want to tap into.

But your dismissiveness is duly noted.


Note mine too please.

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it has a nice beat, but that’s me.


I hear ya!

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