Singer Lil Nas Won’t Collaborate With Mayor Pete Buttigieg

Mumbling “little Jimmy Dickens”


I could be wrong but it seems like a one hit wonder.

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Well, there’s the problem right there.

I don’t listen to country music, disagree that country music is music, and this website isn’t a Nashville or pop culture site. It’s a political one.

And all the important, politically-connected stories out there today alone, and this made the list?


Yes. Buttigieg is trying hard for black voter appeal plus he’s gay as you noted.
Buttigieg still could not get traction.
He’s met with Jesse & Al too.
He has bushel baskets of money.
Folks defend him for firing police chief due to illegal wiretapping.
Black community not buying it as reason for tapes was about racism on the force.

Buttigieg also has never releashed tapes even as all law suits have been settled.
Buttigieg also didn’t get it done by setting up civilian review board.

Sometimes the law doesn’t make things right and that’s an all too common event for black Americans.

Injustice under the law.

Buttigieg got the law & no black voter base.

Time will tell…but you could be right.
He released it on YouTube.

Lol, I don’t much either.
It was not on country music charts.
That became a conflict.
I saw him on BET awards.

TPM decided Buttigieg being turned down made it political?

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My horse is in the barn for this one. Y’all have at it…

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Well, my kids hate that song, so no great loss.

OT-Talking entertainment,sometimes life does imitate art and it can be serious.

American Teenager Said He Lost 26 Pounds During Three-Week Long Detention at Border

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Four people. When you’re currently tied for the number one song of all time on the Billboard chart and you have a really great shot at breaking the record, he’s not exactly a “no name.”


If we are supposed to know every one-hit wonder, we’d have no time for anything else.

Um, this is his first hit and he’s charted with two other songs from his first album. If you’re going to insist he’s a “one hit wonder,” while that hit is still number one on the charts, I’d suggest that you are, at best, premature.


The O-neders.


Wow big news, TPM. This is the excellent journalism we pay for

Mayor Pete is doooooooomed without this crucial endorsement


I’m saying that he’s not the Beatles yet. Wake me up when he’s established as an artist and has actually become something more. A few do make it out. Most don’t.

No, you said he was a “one hit wonder” that nobody should be “supposed to know.” If you want to be proud of knowing nothing at all about contemporary music, that’s your prerogative, of course, but that doesn’t really qualify you to comment on this thread or to opine about the potential length of a career that has just begun.

A Google search on this particular singer yields 284,000,000 results and he’s been in the news quite frequently of late, given his meteoric rise, the controversy over Billboard removing his song from the country charts, his coming out as gay, and the good chance of breaking the long-standing record and having the number one song of all time, something that could happen this weekend.

Buttigieg is trying to make inroads in the black community, something that he desperately needs to do. Had he managed a collaboration with this singer, it would have been newsworthy. Even the attempt, and failure, here is worth noting for what it says about a campaign that has plenty of money but is still having trouble getting traction.

Edited to add that that same Google search shows this TPM story in their “Top Stories” roller at the top of the search query results. Anything that brings new readers here would, presumably, be in TPM’s best interest, don’t you think?


I see you take this personal. It’s a political site. About political things. If I wanted news about country music (which I emphatically do Not), I’d go to a country music website.

All the big stories that touch on politics, and this wins out.

And is the second article in the day about a random musician, following the other one in Sweden.

I don’t like foolishness, not to mention proud ignorance. I already explained why this has political ramifications as well as offering benefit for this site. If you care to engage with those statements, please feel free to do so. Otherwise, I consider this matter closed.


You know, I kind of share the sentiment about click-bait-y stories, but just now I had a thought.

We all kind of tend to think of TPM as our little secret, or maybe a sort of our own little private news niche on the net. Some variation of that, and that’s natural, because it’s a much more “intimate” site than most.

But Josh is trying to keep this place running predominantly by subscription, rather than advertising, which we are all aware of. These click-bait stories are going to be turning up in search results, and will attract new people, who may decide to stay.

And…they may be click-bait, but on TPM, you can at least be assured they’re FACT CHECKED click bait.


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