Vaccine allocation is based on population - but ~50% of Michiganders proclaimed this whole thing to be a hoax and set out to overthrow the state government. So let’s say that 50% don’t get a vaccine - do you have enough now?
We have over 3 million residents that have at least one shot in Minnesota. But we are seeing a surge again. We are back to January levels with new cases. Wisconsin is also seeing a surge and they also have at least 2 million vaccinated. I think the new variants are having an effect.
Which just means it’s going to spread to the rest of the country so it’s kind of in all of our interest to get those people vaccinated.
Everything is not opened back up, despite continuing pressure form asshole republicans to do so.
We should be at a point in the recovery where we can focus resources on areas that are in trouble. I cited earlier today where, in Connecticut, 13 towns were determined to have higher new cases than other places in the State. In the biggest of those towns, a pop-up clinic was opened to administer vaccine and the line was lengthy before the clinic even opened.
People want this. We hear a lot of crap about ‘oh, I’m not doing it’, but the majority of folks aren’t stupid and really want this. If places like Kentucky have a surplus because people aren’t signing up, use that product to take care of hot spots.
I have no problem with this. It’s proper public health principle. You don’t put resources into places that don’t need them; you reallocate resources to the hot spots.
KY evidently has 44,000 (?) doses sitting around because, you know, vaccines bad. Doses scheduled for KY can just be re-routed elsewhere until KY decides to join the 21st century or even the 19th.
I think J&J is in a bit of supply chain trouble:
Johnson & Johnson vaccine deliveries plunge as company backs off April target - The Washington Post
Simple answer, YES!!! Take it from the anti-vax states like Kentucky where more than half the vaccines are going unused because (fill in the idiotic rationale!)
In Michigan, 32.6% of residents have received at least one dose. 20.4% are fully vaccinated.
Republicans aren’t helping at all, and it won’t be good enough for herd immunity if too many people don’t get the vaccine.
Anyone else read about this double mutation shit in California?:
I reported earlier today that my Target store in western WI reported its first new infection of a team member since January.
Something is definitely going on here, but it could also be that we’ve received less vaccine on this side of the State than on the eastern side.
But damn, I think it’s 42% of our population that has at least one shot. That should slow things down some.
That’s making it a political decision. I think it really doesn’t have the science behind it. Are the main experts pushing this? J&J is having issues producing at the moment and supply will be down for a while.
I live in East Lansing - home of MSU and they just got a bunch of J&J for MSU students - with the first day of vac being today. Sounds like lots of students signed up.
It’s got nothing to do with jumping the fucking line.
More cases in Michigan is a threat to all of us. It greatly increases the chances of the virus becoming more vaccine resistant.
What’s fucking stupid is continuing to send vaccines to Misssissippi which has them sitting on shelves because Republicans don’t wanna take them, while there are people lining up to take vaccines in Michigan and cases are surging there.
Michigan did lock down early and even though they hadn’t fully opened up they locked down again - I want to say in November but days are fluid.
I live in MI - the current out break seems to be tied to opening up schools and school sports.
And of course the people that feel they need to go on spring break…
I think the case that MI is making is that there are some states that for whatever reason aren’t using their allotment so instead of letting it sit in a freezer send it to MI.
Maybe, but what of the folks who won’t get the protection to keep it from spreading to more states if it is used elsewhere?
Perhaps States are the answer. A State offering to share is different then federal intervention. Wonder if the Kentucky folks would agree that it is “surplus”?
No threat - just close the borders and/or start checking for vaccine cards at border crossings. Keep your crazy to yourselves.
They’re the ones who blocked her from taking steps to curtail the spread of the virus