‘She’s Gonna Disappear’: GOP Congressional Contender Spoke About Having Opponent Killed | Talking Points Memo

This guy’s no Mafioso. If they did business by phone it was “remember that thing we talked about last week.” You don’t explicitly state you’re going to take someone out. Jeez. That’s Mobster 101.


I thought the obvious answer was Donnie Trump.

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They were just a rival gang is all.

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It is interesting to see that two-bit run-of-the-mill conservatives like this Baddcock badass here are so well connected with the Russian mafia-Russian intelligence nexus. Russian intelligence must be pimping out their trained assassins and toxin-loaded umbrellas as services and commodities to the Republicans and conservatives.

I always thought Skanky Groper, Iwanker, Cuck Kushner, Don Jr. were connected with the GRU and mafia because they were moneyed, were in New York real estate, needed help threatening tenants and blackmailing stiffed contractors/business competitors, and were trafficking in, and pimping out young girls for their so-called pageant and modeling business.


Remember Long Dong Silver?

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Do I hear an echo, echo?

But I know what I’m doing is noble and I’m just trying to remain a humble servant of god,

This is yours McConnell. You made it.

Burn in hell.


Or can she run him over with her car?

He would have been nothing without his enablers and the normalization of his actions by the mainstream media.


That’s just what the Illuminati want you to see.

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rockin’ outdoor pizza oven

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No. Mitch McConnell did. He could have removed 45* from office on any number of illegal things that came to light and he chose not to. President Pence would have given them everything they ever wanted from March 2017 onwards, but they decided they would rather endanger the entire country.


Like Roy Blunt, establishment types are focused on getting a positions after retirement with a billionaire donor

Was just reading an old (1956) magazine piece about Thurgood Marshall. The reporter mentioned Marshall wore a ring indicating he was a 33rd degree mason, which is I believe the highest of their achievements.

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Rick Scott.

You mean the guy who after four years of silence became a deficit scold once Biden was elected? Whose fiscal rectitude might be compromised by the fact that he defrauded the US taxpayer of tens of millions of dollars because of his Medicare fraud?

Oh, yeah, that guy.

The fact that Floridians keep electing him is proof positive that we desperately need an Alzheimer’s cure.


If your cause is “righteous…”

I hope that by now you have learned how to do an NSA-level wipe of computer hard drives before you start your own digital paper trail at your new jobs. Jeeze!

More than that. His company was ordered to pay $1.7 billion.

He’s not anti-Republican, so I can say without fear of being contradicted:

George Packer recently wrote that: “The goal of his [Trump’s] speeches was not to whip up mass hysteria but to get rid of shame. He leveled everyone down together.” (source) (emphasis mine)

This seems right to me, and not an accident. Shame felt by the guilty, and the attendant shock and embarrassment felt by the upright in the presence of the obviously guilty (which Trump knows is himself), were probably the two most powerful barriers between him and monarchy that couldn’t be eliminated entirely by the gobs of money which are his evil allies’ only real resource. So, he got busy popping our cherries as hard and as often as possible, deadening our characters so as to prepare the way for his vileness.

The main focus of the same article is to argue, somewhat convincingly, that we’re four nations, although I would add that his breakdown curiously includes only those groups which have been shown to have almost zero power over government, and omitting the one group that does: the super wealthy. Which probably suits them just fine.

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