Senate Unanimously Passes $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package

My word …

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Watch Thomas Massie -R(aging Libertarian asshole from hell) KY- vote against it. 4th district is huge and I wish someone of quality would step up and run against him. The opportunity to vote him out this round is slim as the D candidates just don’t seem to have what it takes. The bill will still pass of course, but we have got to send this asshole back to his comfortable, off the grid little farm where he can rage against the machine there.


Lets call this what it is…a 2 trillion bail out of Trump. There’s no way a $1200 check is going to do much for a person mired in a COVID environment and small biz will not stay afloat with this bills paltry hand outs. Read the thing. Like all bills that come out of the US Congress its a big fuck you America and blow job for the 1%. Yup, Schumer and the Boyz on the left did that. Read the F’en thing. 2 trillion to bail out Trump. That same Fuck You America congress refused adequate stimulus for a financial crisis and recession, where a stimulus would work, and pared it down to make America suffer. The object was to blame Obama not keep you in your home.

This is a 2 trillion Hail Mary the GOP would never have approved if it didn’t have a political end in it for them. Trump’s reelection.

Meanwhile my Senator, who I am sure was not elected, said that extended unemployment compensation will make people lazy. There’s always a trumped up, trite and worn out canard the GOP can throw at anything that benefits the 99%. Scott has never said bail outs will make corporations lazy though. Rick Scott the hard working CEO that stole more than a billion of your Medicare money. And walked.


This scenario was tailor made for using the defense production act. Incredible that he isn’t using. We couldn’t have a worse person in the WH to tackle this.


Plain Vanilla Shock Doctrine. You see economic packages in most advanced economies, but this is Christmas for Capital.


Meantime, at the daily Trump (Orange Creeper) morning press conference (campaign rant), the president (pretender) took the opportunity to praise (insult and belittle) the Democrats for supporting the stimulus package.

He gave all the credit to Congress (claimed total, bigly credit for himself).

Then, as only the most intelligent and stable genius on earth could do, he said that he had the cure, that God came to his dreams (it was actually indigestion) and told him that he would rise again (the dream told Trump to get up and get his ass out of bed) and tell the world the cure: pray (naw, pay someone to do that for you), tell the truth (don’t know how), and drink bleach mixed with lysol, malaria medication, and whatever seasoning McDonald uses on quarter pounders.

There, all better. Only I can fix (ruin) this country, singlehandedly.


My town ran Rick Scott out when he did that Medicare grab. Then he went to Florida and we tried and tried to warn Florida, but noooo, they elected him Gov. twice. Oh…and then Senator.


And you may have him longer than you think. This 2 trillion stunt is all about rescuing Trump by buying favorable sentiments. It will work I suspect. Imagine a vegan throwing a pork BBQ as an election stunt. Same same as a GOP’ers cheering on a HUGE pork bail out. ( they hate them bailouts )

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And now they have left town till mid April.:rage::rage:

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No, they’re still in session till April 3rd.

With pay. Starting pay for a congress creep is 127K a year. That’s the cash part. Another 500K in bennies. All out of your taxes. I’m sure they’ll tell us to “pull ourselves up by our bootstraps” or “take personal responsibility” on the way out the door.


Unanimous. Why are Dems always the only one willing to help the opposite party in power? So asymmetric.


Twenty five trillion in debt and most of the tax revenue collected is dependent on income taxes and payroll taxes. Corporations are only paying about 6% of the tax revenue collected. The Trump tax cut depends on nearly full employment rate under 4%. If the unemployment rate does not return to under 4% in a short period, our deficit will soar.
Our dollar should not be near record highs. It should be near all time lows. Because it’s the world currency, it has an inflated value that’s not warranted otherwise.


I doubt he was elected Senator. The asshole was in charge of the electoral machinery during that election and claims to have eked out a 0.1 % victory ( actually less ) .

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" The Senate will leave town after passing a coronavirus stimulus package and not return until April 20, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced late Wednesday night."

House will be in session today to approve bill,what happens after today I don’t know.

That may not be long enough. Sweden’s current model uses a “day zero” approach that puts the peak of demand 80 days after the curve takes off. In the US that seems to have been around March 12, so May 31, probably later for some parts of the country.

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Isn’t it $174,000 per year? I think the party leaders get $193.000.
Nancy’s salary as House leader is $223,500.

It was unanimous because Dems for all realistic purposes, were the majority. And the GOP is/was getting wind of the horrific unemployment numbers.

McConnell is taking a bow, but the reality is, his caucus bolted from him on the drop of the dime. He was sidelined and made a non-entity on this.


Gee, thanks. :rage:

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Will some corporations get undeserved and frankly, needless $$$ out of this? Yes.

Is that ANY reason to oppose this bill? NO!

It will be a lifeline to the 99% who desperately need this help, so to all those howling that “the sky is falling! Evil Corporations are going to get money!!!” I say:
Deal with it Snowflakes.
They were going to get their “pound of flesh” no matter what anyone did, that’s just the way it goes in the Senate. The Democrats stopped the most egregious pork-barrel measures, but HAD to give in to a few others to get what the COUNTRY NEEDS.

This is only the THIRD BILL to try to deal with this PANDEMIC, and more are coming down the pipeline.
It is NOT a “Zero-Sum” game. The Government can print all the money it needs to prop up the Economy, AND IT WILL (that is why you have Fiat Money.)
What this does is rip away the cruel and selfish Republican Mask that “there is no money for S.S. or Medicare, or Single-Payer!!!”
It exposes the Republicans for the LIARS they are. That is a good thing, and we won’t let them forget it come Nov. 3rd, 2020.
You have a way to register your anger on November 3rd, 2020. GOTV and defeat every single Republican on the ticket!