Senate Republicans Are Mad They Got Forced To Vote Down A Border Bill That They Like Again

If they can’t do the right thing, who are they mad at. Trump? Democrats? Themselves?

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Bring up the boarder bill twice a month until the election. I visited the boarder with the Samaritans last month. The boarder is controlled by the Mexican Cartels making billions of dollars in profits based on people’s suffering. The Samaritans are being harassed by the armed right wing extremist groups.

The immigrants are families who we should be helping. Women with children driven from their homes by drug gangs and Climate Change. America supplies the drug markets and guns to the cartels and is responsible for the climate destruction.

One solution is to open the boarders and supply green cards to workers. They could stay for 6 months and return home. We need farm workers and slaughter house workers and forest fire fighters and people to clean up after the coming Climate Destruction. We could also pass strict gun regulations before we have a violent revolution against ourselves.


“This bill today is a prop, it’s a pure messaging vote and a fundraising piece for Democrats to be able to run out and say, ‘See, we want to do border security and those rascally Republicans don’t want to do it,’ which is absolutely absurd,” Lankford (R-Okla.) [told Newsmax Thursday]”

It’s not that Republicans don’t want border security, they just want Trump’s approval more.


It was a BI-PARTISAN Bill, N’est ce pas? And every stinking Rethug voted against it…except Murkowski? Just because the adjudicated rapist said so?


All I can say is Mrs Alito must a real charmer.

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Well, hell…Reagan (both Ronnie and later on Nancy and her astrologer) ran the country like wild eyed “libruls” in comparison to this bunch of Fascists.


And this is how the rest of the border info is reported lied about

Dear Jimmy Lankford,

This is called election-year politics. Your side would do it in a heartbeat. Ovary up and face it like woman.
Or just shut the fuck up and ESAD.

Not a constituent

PS: Have a nice day.


The spines of jellyfish.

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The pants? I swear we need a linguist (or a neurologist, you know, either/or) to explain this shit. Trump has several of these verbal tics that I can never quite figure out. Are they some kind of regional or class-based thing, or is it evidence of yugely poor brainering?

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Sen. Lankford should have this fight with his party, not with the Democrats. They’re in the other party. They don’t care about his feelings, and they gain nothing at all from being ‘nice’ to the other side before an election.

As it is, being forced to bend over and get kicked in the balls by Trump - has been the GOP way for almost 8 years now. It may be that way forever. He should make peace with it, or fight it. Whining is unpleasant.


Touch Sh*t Lankford!! Since your party is owned by the Orange Criminal, and none of you have any guts to defy him, you get what you deserve! Thank you for defusing that issue for us!

And enjoy your continued Minority Status in the Senate!

Republicans could vote for the bill and turn to say they whipped the Democrats into line to support their bill and take it as their win to constituents.

But they are too busy fellating a certain person to bother.

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That is the best world-building I have ever seen in anti-Jewish propaganda. Unlike the stories with dated names like “Elders of Zion” this story:

  • acknowledges historical persecution of Jews
  • acknowledges something in the ballpark of the Holocaust
    • Note that if you remove the Holocaust, the rest of the story doesn’t make sense.
  • acknowledges that some traumas don’t end with the generation which experienced them directly
    • For Black people, this is gospel (so to speak)
    • “Intergenerational trauma” creates the narrative hook which allows events 80 years ago to stay alive until the propaganda’s telling.
  • roots a rejection of Judaism in theology: theodicy, at the extreme
    • Purports to explain a turn of some Jewish people from good Judeo-Christian believers into rootless cosmopolitans
    • New origin story for secular humanism?
  • Provides a plausible motivation for a powerful, deeply hidden conspiracy: no, really, NEVER AGAIN
    • Understandable beyond a cackling “power for its own sake”
    • Provides a path for purported conspiracy members to believe they are doing the right thing
      • Even imaginary people need understandable motivations
      • People rarely see themselves as villains, so stories full of them are less believable

Given that many Jewish people in America are secular humanists, either in reality or in the eyes of Christianists, the story purports to explain a phenomenon many listeners may recognize — one without an explanation in their theology. I’m sure it appeals to cloistered Christianists who like explanations for how people erroneously stopped worshipping their god,

Summary: highest quality anti-Semitism seen in the US for decades. Dangerous.


Lankford HAD to vote against his own bill the same way Nicki Haley had to announce she will vote for Trump. Trump owns the GOP and loves to exercise his dominance over these spineless turds whenever they try to raise their heads.

Lankford deserves this treatment. He’s too weak to do the right thing and too cowardly to defend doing the right thing. He’s publicly handed over his spine to Trump- twice.

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Senate Republicans Are Mad They Got Forced To Vote Down A Border Bill That They Like Again

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Goobers can’t do whatever they want??!!??

“How do you put your pants on?” Does the Defendant really believe anybody would ever ask this, not to mention multiple times??

Reagan is yesterday’s garbage. TFG is today’s garbage!


True that.