The old frump has, it appears, implicitly called for violence to overturn the election. If you look at the Capitol rioters, and look at the groups she’s consorted with, you’ll find a heavy quotient of white supremicists and Nazis.
So when Clarence comes home after a hard day at the office corrupting the law, and he walks in the door and Ginni sees him, doesn’t it occur to her that, um, ya know?
OK, OK, I get that she’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but still, that’s kinda elementary.
But Fox watchers can ask a question of their Goober Reps. or Senator which in Russia means instant arrest. And if that Fox watcher wants to they can access other media safely and legally. In Russia it’s dangerous to try to access banned news media. If such draconian laws were passed here I think Americans would go ballistic.
Good grief! That man is a menace. What kind of person files suits to keep investigators from obtaining his written communications and then pleads the Fifth when called to testify?
The last line is true, but Biden should not have said it out loud. It strengthens Putin domestically (look, nasty Americans trying to tell us what to do) and I think makes a negotiated peace a little harder (as you’ve de-legitimized the negotiating partner).
Would have been far better to left it unsaid
Though its “funny” the Putin-ites are saying he’s democratically elected - maybe using the GQP definition of a fair election, but not anyone elses.
Fox isn’t news. It’s infotainment. It’s easy. It plays on their feelings of insecurity, fear, and frankly, their silly thoughts that they could have been somebody if only…
And the realization that it wasn’t just going to be handed to them.
I saw there was a discussion around Biden’s speech. I was surprised by his words but thought, heck, that’s the freaking truth, Putin has to be eliminated but it has to be an inside job. How? Who cares?
This is a good article.
The speech marked a historical watershed that should not be overshadowed by his apparently extemporaneous reference to Putin at its conclusion, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” While controversy swirled around the remark, and the White House later sought to walk it back, that moment of clarity from the plain-spoken president elevated his speech. It made it clear that Biden’s passion was deeply felt and real. It was the truth at a time when it is essential to be honest about Putin’s barbarism and the threat he poses not just to the world, but to the people of his own country who will be denied full access to the community of nations so long as he remains in office.
While Biden’s speech was significant because it addressed a geopolitical shift with long-term consequences for the world—and while it clarified the starkness of the divide in America between Biden’s party and his opponents who have defended Putin and attacked democracy themselves—it also underscored the president’s deep sense of urgency concerning the crisis in Ukraine.
Haven’t heard anything from Cruz, Hawley, Graham and Blackburn in the last couple of days. They must be diligently working on their rationale for why Ginni and Clarence are paragons of ethical rectitude. This is going to be even better than Mitch’s rationale for refusing to move Merrick Garland’s forward or for rushing ACB’s through.
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Consider it a Kinsley gaffe. It’s full of a lot of truth. Putin plans to remain in power until 2036. So removed from power would hopefully mean far sooner then what he desires.
Young Master Cawthorn seems to be desperate for media face time. Punching rotten trees didn’t work. Bad mouthing President Zelensky didn’t work. Sucking up to Putin didn’t work. Bragging about infrastructure he was for before he was against it didn’t work. So now it’s sex and drugs which are subjects that get noticed no matter the situation or who is involved. If Young Master Cawthorn lacks iron clad evidence concerning other elected members and sex or drug use … well then he will most certainly get his young ass thrown out of Congress…bodily… his chair tossed after him. Especially if those members are his fellow Goobers. This should be pop corn worthy to watch. And Madison hangs with republicans I doubt he’s buddy buddy with many democrats.
Apparently this story of drugs and orgies as told by Cawthorn is all over media. I would suspect he’s got some people seriously Pissed at him.