Senate High Fives Itself On Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. But What’s Next? | Talking Points Memo

And after that, long may he rot there.

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I’m thinking in terms of the $3.5 trillion infrastructure program over the next 8-10 years. Obviously dumping that amount of money immediately into the economy would cause some overheating. Additionally projects and programs have to be programmed, yes shovel ready.
From what I remember as part of one of the budget reconciliations to prevent a shutdown hashed out with Obama, Biden and Boehner they rolled back some of the tax cuts for those in the $450k and up range.


I was so disappointed back then when they were extended, I did miss this:

Before the tax cuts, the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent. After the cuts, the highest rate was 35 percent. Once the cuts were eliminated for high income levels (single people making $400,000+ per year and couples making $450,000+ per year), the top income tax rate returned to 39.6 percent.

So I guess Obama did roll back something.


Infrastructure investments are only going to help him in 2022 and most of the big money from an infrastructure bill will go to corporations, anyway.

He’ll be harder on the stuff in reconciliation, but the whole point of reconciliation is to cut him out of the deal. He’ll fix all that if things go his way come 2023.

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KLOBUCHAR on press call on For The People Act negotiations: "Work that must be done immediately on gerrymandering is in the bill," with awareness that census data goes to states in mid-August

— David Daley (@davedaley3) July 29, 2021


[quote=“bonvivant, post:64, topic:210909”]
the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent
Which was the top marginal tax rate throughout the 90’s when we had a healthy economy with rising mobility and a budget surplus.
The last LBJ into Nixon 68-69 budget was balanced and had a surplus. The top marginal tax rate was 77% and included a surcharge for Vietnam. Oh and we put a man on the moon that year and the hippies frolicked at Woodstock. After 9/11 I always thought along with some others that there should have been a surcharge “war on terrorism tax” or at least a roll back of the tax cuts.

There are 3 things that we should do that would save democracy. Eliminate the EC; reform or eliminate the filibuster and make voting mandatory.


REminds me that I forgot to tell you something after my vacation.

I started reading Jon Meacham’s excellent biography of Thomas Jefferson.
Beautifully written, exhaustively researched, and filled with things I didn’t know.

I recommend it highly.

Nest I’m going to tackle his bio of Andy Jackson—one of the most complicated figures of his era, and someone I both loathe and admire for wildly different reasons.


I’m reading a book about Native America written by an Ojibwe, David Truer. Goddamn it’s good. So many things I didn’t know. He does a quick survey style history and then goes into particular issues and uses particular tribes to examine how the US has dealt with Natives all the way up to now. Just one of the best things I’ve ever read.


But the really wealthy don’t pay anywhere near that 39.6 % rate. In 2019, the richest 400 families paid 23% including state, federal and local taxes. I think Romney was somewhere around 12%- 15% in federal taxes back when he was running. Trump? He pays little or nothing.


I’m not sure an indictment would stop Trump from running. He’d run from prison, if it came to that and he’d have an excuse for skipping debates, to boot. He’s an attention whore before anything else. He doesn’t necessarily want to win. He fell into the presidency in 2016 by a combination of miscalculations. If enough people throw money at him, he’ll run, indictment or no.

The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee?

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I like all 3 of your suggestions! Voting among our citizens should be a civic duty and obligation.


Yes. Just an awesome book.


I wonder what it is about Johnson you admire. Among other outstanding achievements, he is the only president to have personally driven slave coffles, with the slaves roped by the neck. Then there of course was the Indian removal.

This vile creature is on the $20 bill.

Yep. She gets 13-14 points up on Mark Kelly among self-identified Republicans, almost all of whom are hardcore MAGA at this point and will vote for the Trump-endorsed R candidate in any general election. And all that is killing her with motivated Dems while even Indies prefer Kelly by 5-8 points.


Can’t count on that. Didn’t happen with his last endorsement.


Oh, Susie! You scamp, you!

Personally, I would be more “concerned” if his package was too small.

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True, but the recent TX thing was a red-district (PVI R+6) special runoff–effectively a GOP primary, with the widow of the incumbent stacked against Trump’s pick. Do you think there are that many self-professed Repubs left in AZ who would cross over to vote for a Dem over their own candidate, Trump-backed or not?

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