Senate High Fives Itself On Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. But What’s Next? | Talking Points Memo

Agreed, but I think the widow was the trump-endorsed candidate. The winner was a rabid RWNJ with the policy positions you’d expect for that district, just less overtly trumpy.


Maybe a matching orange jumpsuit and the diet that goes with it will be slimming.

While you’re reading about Indians getting a raw deal, this is a great book to read also.

Killers of the Flower Moon | David Grann

It’s a true story that reads like a fictional novel. It won a book award and many rave reviews. I read it last week and now I’m reading " The Lost City of Z. It’s a nonfiction story about the Amazon and the early British explorer Percy Fawcett who disappeared back in 1925. Not as good as his Osage Indian book though, but still interesting.

“Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee” by Dee Brown is a great book also.
But I imagine most everyone has already read that book years ago.

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Ah, then I had it backward. Apologies. Still wonder how much it relates to the Sinema situation. Unless that 13% GOP polling edge constitutes rabid support in the general, it’s hard to see how she’s helping herself.

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She was - and Trump’s endorsement didn’t get her there. I realize that the guy who won was about as Trumpy as it gets but this is still a big fucking deal. King Maker didn’t make a damn thing. After losing them Georgia.


The Trump endorsement probably cost her the election. Since the Dems missed the runoff, I imagine there were plenty of Dem voters who voted for the other guy just because she was endorsed by Trump. I know I would have.


I think your larger point is correct- AZ Republicans might say they have a “favorable” opinion of Sinema, but they’ll vote for whoever has an “R” after their name. The people who might vote differently aren’t calling themselves Republicans anymore. And Sinema is not doing great with Independents

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I bet you’re right.


Another clear proof of the #ETTD theorem. :smile:

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Yes. I think it’s important too. No-one actually likes TMFWMNBN , they just (1) don’t think they can win without his voters and (2) are scared he will point his mob at them. Basically he rules by fear.

Taking away his Twitter made it harder to unleash death threats on his target de jour (although not hard enough) and if he can’t get his voters to turn out when he’s not on the ballot, well, why be scared of him?


Right now I think that is the prime motivator for them. The death threats people get who dare to stick a toe out of the Trump-Qstream are hair raising.


Yes. I didn’t mean to make light of it. Most politicians are just regular people without fancy security. They have nice houses in rich neighborhoods but their family is no more prepared to deal with a violent attack than yours or mine.

It must be terrifying. And that goes double for the state and county public health officials dealing with this shit.

I can’t accept that the first amendment means there is nothing we can do to protect people. I’m not sure what the answer is, but “be brave” just isn’t going to cut it.


Yeah I’m with you. It has taken me awhile to come around to it, but I agree. Free speech cannot mean anything goes with no responsibility for it. This is what happens and it’s not acceptable to a healthy society or a healthy democracy.


He’s only talking about the Senate races. He, obviously, was cheated in the most heinous way possible.

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I believe that’s just what they did.

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“No deal is better than a bad deal,” the rant/statement continued. “Fight for America, not for special interests and Radical Democrats. RINOs are ruining America, right alongside Communist Democrats.”

Unhinged retiree in Florida shakes fist, yells at clouds.

McConnell said he was “happy” to vote to advance the bipartisan infrastructure bill forward toward what he wanted to see a “robust” floor process. He also bashed Democrats’ $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill as a “reckless taxing and spending spree.”

Sure he is. This is his happy face.


Or maybe that’s his swallowed-a-marble face. It’s hard to tell.

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Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) took to Twitter to argue why he believes the pay-fors in the bipartisan infrastructure bill “don’t quite cut the mustard.”

COimmigrant took to the TPM comment board to argue the “tax cuts pay for themselves” in the 2017 GOP unnecessary aid to the wealthy bill “didn’t quite cut the mustard.”


“My goal remains to pass both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and a budget resolution this work period,” Schumer said.

I really feel like Schumer is tiptoeing his way to telling America that he will not cancel recess – or do anything to make Senators even mildly uncomfortable – to pass the For The People Act. His statement defines the finish-line in terms of just infrastructure – all of which will be irrelevant if democracy is ended. Those tax credits to families, and any other bottom-up stimulus measures, will all get vacuumed up by America’s rapacious creditor class. It’s almost money laundering.

“A Republic, if we can keep it.” I would not have guessed our leaders would be willing to do so little for that purpose.

Bad faith of course but TPM appears to agree when it editorializes that “Braun isn’t wrong in calling out the need for pay-fors.” He is quite wrong and the Democrats are wrong to give this kind of fiscal bullshit credence.

For starters we are still near negative real interest rates and the cost of borrowing is virtually zero but even if that were not true, it would still be a weak argument in a nation that controls its own currency and additionally has allowed its tax structure to become regressive.

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Mike Braun: “Infrastructure investment is great when it’s paid for.”

Also Mike Brain: “We don’t accept IRS compliance enforcement as a pay-for.”

Also also Mike Braun: “This bipartisan infrastructure package’s pay-fors are either completely phony or don’t quite cut the mustard.”

This food is terrible and the portions are too small…

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