Senate Confirms Amy Coney Barrett, Locking In Conservative Control Of SCOTUS | Talking Points Memo

kudos for recognizing that PR should be asked if they want in. so many just say ‘make PR a state’ which is pretty paternalistic, and does not take into account the will of american citizens. there’s a pretty sizeable independence movement so i suspect there’s a fair amount that needs be be done to get enough of a majority for legitimacy in an inclusion as a state (as much as if welcome them and their additional senators and reps.)

I agree with you, except that you might be underestimating Republican zeal for cutting taxes and deregulating, for which they are perfectly willing to accept a substantial body count — McConnell takes the long view, and takes the bad with the good. You decide which is which, but he is unlikely to be surprised by anything that happens now.

Like everyone, I wonder whether he is dying, which would help to explain his monomania in packing the courts. He has looked as though he has some kind of Parkinsonism syndrome, and is prone to falls with injury. Doesn’t seem likely to stay in office for another six years, even though he is likely to win his Senate race, but his problem is that Kentucky has a young, Democratic governor now. So what might be his swan song?

Do we imagine that McConnell would balk at a lame duck appointment to the Supreme Court? Maybe that’s why Clarence Thomas was at the White House last night, for some quality face time with Trump and Federalist Society mavens. McConnell and Trump have nothing to lose, and the courts from their perspective are their one shining achievement. Clarence Thomas seems like a vengeful guy, too.

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Today’s NYT has a good article on ways to check the court. One by a law student is beautiful in its simplicity and feasibility. Her name; Melody Wang. I learned that the Court could not choose its cases before 1925. Simple enough to repeal the law that allowed this. Eh, voila!


Haha speak when you’re spoken to, court. Love it.

Harsh. But she was human, and facing one’s mortality seems beyond those in power. Hence our geriatocracy. And remember RBG’s experience of being a meme and icon really took off in her 80s: she was high on it.

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This is mostly true, but, it depends on what they choose to rule, too. I mean, Kavanaugh, when deciding the WI ballot question yesterday, literally signed on to a Rehnquist opinion in Bush v. Gore that says that even STATE courts can’t expand voting rights, that if it isn’t specifically enumerated in state statute it can’t be inferred by those people in a state whose job it is to interpret that law.

Abortion? If five of them agree that life begins at conception, then “born” and conceived are the same thing, and if they’re the same thing ,fetuses, etc. are persons under the 14th Amendment, so abortion is rendered illegal everywhere in the US. Do I think they’ll go that far? Probably not.

But they can if they want.

Facts don’t matter, and words mean what those nine people decide they mean.

I agree. But it remains to be seen if Democrats have the belly for it and I doubt that they do. If they do and it gets done, I’ll be the first to say, “Thank the FSM”, and eat as much crow as you want to feed me. But I don’t think they do.

They kind of do, especially with the current crop of conservative Justices who have greater allegiance to their own beliefs than the word of or intention behind a law.

By ‘defend’ in this case, I mean ‘speak in defense of,’ like, say, before the court. You can talk as good a game as you want about Internet freedom, but do you think you’re gonna sway Thomas, a guy who has already all but said that he wants a case that would allow him to rule on what can/can’t be said on boards like this?


And, yes, as I said, there are actions Congress can take, but the question remains as to whether or not they have the testicular fortitude to do it. So, if Biden wins and his coattails bring the senate with him, we’ll see. I doubt it.

But I’d be happy to be wrong.


Allow me to confidently wish you much future happiness. :innocent:


This is very interesting. I didn’t know that. I thought them picking cases was part and parcel of their power grab in Jefferson’s time.

Amen, man.

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And sadly not even the pope is on their side. Some Catholics, like Evangelicals, use religion as a fig leaf for their hateful nonsense.

“Our defense of the innocent unborn, for example, needs to be clear, firm and passionate, for at stake is the dignity of a human life, which is always sacred and demands love for each person, regardless of his or her stage of development. Equally sacred, however, are the lives of the poor, those already born, the destitute, the abandoned and the underprivileged, the vulnerable infirm and elderly exposed to covert euthanasia, the victims of human trafficking, new forms of slavery and every form of rejection.” - Francis

Emphasis mine


Me, too, but this young law student told me de trute.

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I like some of the other options as well, and they may be an easier sell.

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Bertrand Russel pointed out this extreme moral inconsistency early in the 20th C. Others have pointed this out over and over. Exposes the cultish thinking behind anti abortion. If you truly believed “all life is sacred” then you would be opposed to the death penalty and the genocide wreaked on the poor daily.


Biden is a politician, so when he gets a sense of what people (the commission, senators, reps) think he’ll get behind it. So that means people have to write and call their representatives and Biden and Harris themselves.


Could not agree more
the greatest threat to the pro life cause is the pro life movement
I have a niece who will share with you a long screed claiming condoms lead to abortions.

It is 55 year old.

It easy to care about unborn innocents it is a lot harder to show charity to those in need.


You will be wrong.

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So what does unpacking look like? What are the steps? What is tackled first? What is the sequence? I just want a plan. I want to be ready.

It can also be couched in biblical language.

13 apostles were good enough for Jesus, then 13 Justices are good enough for 'Merica!


We both hope.

But I have more historical evidence over the past, say, 50 years, of Democratic Party fecklessness than you do of spine.

So, I dare say, I’m the one of us playing the odds, not you.

Mitch is a doddering fool who doesn’t care who he hurts or how much it costs. He’s scorched earth, American scorched earth.

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