Sen. Whitehouse Asks Roberts To Do Something, Anything About Alito - TPM – Talking Points Memo

I believe @karlwlewis has volunteered to be benevolent dictator.


Benevolence isn’t required here.

The Ding-Dong of Doom should descend… And rapidly.


I’m not saying all 87,000 new IRS agents need to get on it, maybe just 1% of them…


Thomas will never leave. Never. He’s having too much fun giving the finger to the country for his terrible humiliation. And besides, what can’t he get from his buddies? You know, those guys who would TOTALLY be friends with him if he weren’t a SC justice.


Let this be a lesson to us all, especially those who might be tempted to throw their vote away on charlatans like RFK Jr. or Cornel West: Elections have consequences!


It was in reference to Citizens United.


It’s quite a long and detailed letter. I don’t think I’m going to sit down and read the whole thing, but I am pleased to see that Whitehouse cites cases and the testimony of the justices before the Senate when they were up for confirmation. The contrast between their testimony and their behavior on the court is quite striking.


If this wasn’t a typo, or even if it was, brilliant! “I’m for sale, all morals and integrity must go!”


Real reform of an institution like SCOTUS is sort of like building a criminal case to try someone in court. You have accumulate the evidence and make it incontrovertible. Senator Whitehouse is doing just that.

Now, this is not sufficient of course. There will have to come a time where there is political will to act on the case. But in the meantime, Senator Whitehouse does the necessary yeoman’s work.

A hat tip to the Senator. (and ProPublica)


People considering either of those two are beyond reach and are not Democratic votes being lost… the folks that vote for fringe candidate are crazies that never were going to make a logical choice.

Much like the Stein-ers of years past.


His morals are fluid… now they are liquid assets

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Definitely pre-Council of Trent I’d say, probably organized against Mass in English. Probably ‘still’ goes to a Latin Mass church that uses pre-Vatican II rite

I can argue with these a-holes all day. What is the ‘matter’ with these people? Alito has what used to be call ‘sh*t don’t stink’ syndrome. That speech he gave in Rome after Dobbs (paid for by some right-ward Catholic institute) offended ‘me’ mightily.


I know this is tongue-in-cheek, but I want to make sure everyone remembers just how outrageous Alito’s behavior was there. The prebuttal was possible because the Pro Publica reporters, following good ethical journalistic practices, provided an advance copy of their article to Alito’s office. Rather than engaging in good faith if there were any concerns, Alito used that information and his corrupt relationships to try to undermine their credibility.

Senator Whitehouse had neither the obligation nor (I’m sure) the inclination to give Alito a similar heads-up in advance.


Is it a doctrinal issue for you? I know the hierarchy behaved so badly I would very much like to piss on their graves, but I am asking why you find Catholicism sillier than say a religion that includes the danger of snake-handling as proof of faith? (I find that scary as well.)

BTW that includes the ‘sainted’ JP2, whose lasting impact was to strengthen the cover-ups and destroy the moral authority which had been claimed by the religion.

ETA I am sorry if I am overstepping here. It’s just so many of these assholes are Catholic assholes claiming that their Catholicism gives them special moral insight and as a Catholic who finds their moral ‘guides’ horrible and actually counter-productive to a just society and I am just so ticked off about this because I have ‘read’ and ‘heard’ everything these people are saying but they DO NOT know what they are talking about.


If Whitehouse where to hand Allito his ass, he already has his head up there.

So we’re good…


Cockroaches do run when the light is shined on them

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Religion is a mental illness in general, but Catholicism is ground zero for Christianity’s centuries of abuse and bullshit. We can lay half of the world’s suffering in the last 1,500 years on the steps of the Vatican.

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Conditioning people to believe,without proof, whatever is told to them by the inventers/gatekeepers of the doors of heaven is the problem at root.

This makes doctrine and heirarchy of the religion inseparable because their respective purposes are the same. Control of the ignorant.


OK. THANK you for a response. A lot of people find no benefit at all in religion, like you, see a lot of harm in what could be called ‘hierarchical’ religions. No argument. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and this day is beautiful where you are.


Re: Roberts