In a Tuesday letter to Chief Justice John Roberts, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) accused Justice Samuel Alito of “obstructing a congressional investigation” and demanded that Roberts take some form of unspecified action.
Sadly, the GOPers have rendered impeachment all but impossible for actual malfeasance. To them it is simply revenge and it taints the whole process, like everything else they do.
I love Whitehouse. He speaks to me. Sure hope he speaks to Roberts on this issue. As new tax filings from Alito and Thomas illustrate, he must be ruffling some feathers because I doubt those two bought-for justices would had done a darn thing on their own. Plus they were twinsies’ filing on the same day. Highly suspicious as well.
The arrogance of this man, Alito, is simply breathtaking. He is so certain that he is ordained by god to impose his 14th century catholicism on the entire country. He is a man who should never hold power.
Whitehouse is exactly on point, as he so often is. And Roberts will ignore him totally as he has done with all ethics questions lately, unless he also scolds Whitehouse on a bogus “separation of powers” issue. He’d do better to read the Constitution.
The Congress is by design the most powerful Branch, and it alone holds regulatory authority over the other two. No other Branch can remove an elected or appointed officer from the others; Congress can impeach, and only Congress can remove one of its own members. Congress creates the laws, authorizes all spending, can solely declare war. The President’s only two responsibilities are to see that the laws are faithfully executed, and to be the commander on chief of the military. SCOTUS’ sole responsibility is to adjudicate the Constitutionality of cases before it. There’s lots of room inside those responsibilities, but in the end, whatever the Executive or SCOTUS do must fit into those roles.
If I were Roberts, I would be especially aware of the hubris of his current defense of the indefensible. He may well just finally wake up the sleeping giant that lives under the Capitol Dome, and if he does, he will regret it.
Great idea! These dudes are happy to do their corrupting in secret, but shine the light of day on them and fan public outrage, and they’ll try to scuttle away, like roaches when the lights come on. Only trouble is, roaches are small and compressible to make complete escapes. Billionaires can’t hide. And if they can no longer hide their influence buying, they’ll … find another way.
Their lifetime appointments should not shield Thomas, Alito, and others from public scorn for their ethically unacceptable practice of accepting extraordinary gifts from wealthy people and organizations.
But Whitehouse is building the record that he gave Roberts and the SCOTUS every opportunity to clean up its own act. This will become important when Democrats finally have the power to enact changes to the Court, where Roberts’ and his defenders will say it should be up to the SCOTUS to police its own.
Absolutely – No more “potted plant,” umpire bullshit. Put the screws on Roberts til it hurts! BTW, does he report all the money his wife rakes in for her anti-abortion programming friends?
Hey, Negative Guy, Whitehouse has been all over MSNBC talking about reining in SCOTUS and now he’s going to try to do something. It’s a lot better than throwing criticism his way and doing nothing except griping in cyberspace.
I still remember him saying under his breath “not true” at something BHO said during a State of the Union address. The right-wing Federalist Society turns out a lot of fools and he’s just one of them.
I’ve always thought of Sheldon Whitehouse as an excellent candidate for President. I can see and hear the campaign slogans now, e.g. “WHITEHOUSE FOR THE WHITE HOUSE!”