Underscores just how fragile the dem majority is, all we need is to lose one senator in the wrong state and Mitch is back in charge. And so many senators are in their 70s and 80s.
Scott is Republican but he is also sane and moderate.We have to get out of the habit of assuming the worst will happen every day. Just because it usually does doesn’t mean it always will.
Agreed but I was having that Ted Kennedy flashback where our side had a majority for the briefest of times then it was gone when Sen. Kennedy passed. Knee-jerk reaction to the last few years. Here’s hoping he is fine.
Don’t know if anyone has already referenced this, but VT gov has said he’d appoint an independent who would caucus with Dems and not run for the seat in a special election that would be held within six months. But here’s hoping all is well with Patrick Leahy, a very fine public servant.
No. Precisely nobody sane or moderate would still call themselves a Republican at this point. Nor would anyone sane and moderate send a Republican to replace Leahy and thereby hand McConnell back the Senate when the people voted for Dem control, but Scott would 100% guaranteed do that.