Sen. Brown Presses Mnuchin, ‘How Many Workers Should Give Their Lives’ For The Dow? | Talking Points Memo

Or, because she chose Tim Kaine, we now have a through and through blue Virginia. If Brown had to leave the senate in order to run (and I don’t know if that’s a requirement in OH), would he have been replaced by another Democrat? That’s the same quandary we face with Warren leaving the senate to become, for instance, Joe’s Veep

@maxwellsdemon I really want ELizabeth to bethe VP nominee

Odd, but I see a tremendous down side in this coming to pass.


All of them, Katie.


It’s pure Trump, I have to say. Using a technicality to abuse the very people you praise as you systematically exploit them. He just can’t stop stiffing people and telling them to sue. Except now he can grant people immunity to do that if it helps him. Gotta hand it to him, when it comes to really, really sucking he’s in a class of his own.


The best way to stop a bad potato with a gun is a good potato with a gun!


Hate to break it to you - but it has ALWAYS been like this. Republican or Democratic administration.

The Reserve Components will ALWAYS configure deployments to stretch their dollars as far as they can, AND not to pick up unprogrammed expenses (and those items mentioned ARE NOT IN THE CURRENT BUDGET). They have a Congressional mandate not to commit the US government to unprogrammed expenditures. Don’t like that - get Congress to change the law.

It isn’t just the NG - damned near any deployment (Active or Reserve) is built around avoiding paying service members. In the Active Component, Temporary Duty Tours are always 179 days - 180 days means the SM qualifies for Permanent Change of Station and all of the things that go with it.

Let me give you a National Guard example…

When I was on the Counter-Drug program with the Texas Army National Guard, I would be put on 28 day orders. I would go to drill (and get paid for it), then go on orders for 28 days - come off orders and go to drill.

By doing this like this - the TXARNG could stretch their allotment of money farther. Because I wasn’t paid for 30 day, I didn’t qualify for housing or food allowance (1/3 of what my pay would be normally), only base pay, nor did I qualify for any state or federal benefits. This prevented the National Guard from picking up unprogrammed Title 2 retirements (That is the retirement system most of you folks think of when you hear the term “military retirement”)

Speaking of “early” retirement…

“Early” retirement is a scam. The goal with “early” retirement is to avoid paying a full title 3 pension. For those of you that are unaware - title 3 pensions don’t kick in until the NG member is 60.

The National Guard folks may not end up with Federal education benefits, but most states have educational benefits at the state level - those kick in upon mobilization.


We cannot love Sherrod Brown enough. He said it, in plain language. G-d bless him!


A CEO, a Managing Director, a Vice President and a junior associate of a company were at lunch.
The CEO proclaimed that he was going to have to go home tonight and make love to his wife and that that chore was 10% pleasure and 90% work.
The Managing Director responded that he found that making love to his wife was 60% work and 40% pleasure.
The VP chimed in that the task was actually only 30% work with the remaining 70% pleasure.
After a moment of silence the junior associate interjected that in fact there was no work involved in making love to any of their wives.
Astonished, the three demanded to know how he could say that?
“Simple.” the associate replied, “If any work were involved you all would have me doing it.”


I’d like to see Moochkin on the line pulling guts out of dead hogs. Sans mask.


You don’t have much contact with the military, do you?


I’ve been coming to that too.


Such a smug bastard.

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No, it isn’t “Pure tRump”

All administrations do this. I have personal experience of this from the 1st Reagan Administration to Chimpy Mcstagger’s last year in office.


I’m sure it’s occurred to him.
He’s just trying to figure out how to make money from doing it.


I would bet that a pretty fair share of them did vote for Trump and many will again.

Drink the Cool-Aid, y’all. Bottoms up. Don’t be afraid. Going to a far better place.


Anyone else read about that 14 year old teen that just about died from Covid-19 yesterday? It will be a miracle if doesn’t have negative health effects later in life because of it.


Word. But it’s simply not happening. Neither is social distancing in the work place.


I’d like her to have Munchkin’s job, hold hearings, roast some ass and go after the grift machine. Kamala for VP IMO would be a better balance than two easterners but both are needed to help repair the damage.


Very effective and perceptive:

When he talks about any Democratic initiative and/or talking point, he references Ohio and its people…with direct examples his Ohio voters can refer to in short order.


They are just beginning to find out what this virus does, including to the very young. It’s way beyond a respiratory disease.

Definitely not “a flu.”